
Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Wedding Date!!!!!!!!!

This is the most beautiful cat in the Blogosphere!!!!!!!
This is MY Miss Peach!

Sparks flew from the moment we met!

She is the cat for me.
I love that sweet little face.
I love that curly fur.
I love that she agreed to marry me!!!

We have finally set a date for our wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It will be SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2009
It will be held at Peggy's Cove,Nova Scotia
Be sure to visit Miss Peach's blog today!!!!!!

It will be a great time!!!!!!!!!!!
We will celebrate day...

and night!!!!!!!!!!

We hope you come join us!!!
Celebrate our wedding and still have time to have your
Halloween Party!!


  1. Oh shall guests come in costume?! This is so romantic!!!

  2. It sounds sooooooooooo ROMANTIC

  3. We are so happy for you both!
    We´ll be there!

    purrrrs and hugs

    Luna, Luzie and Olli

  4. Sounds like a wonderful time! Peggy's Cove is so beautiful!!!

  5. Oh wow! How exciting! We will save the date!

  6. Mickey we are so excited that you and Miss Peach set the date! We will definitely be there!

  7. Congratulations! We agree that Miss Peach is very beautiful (and we think you are equally handsome!) Peggy's Cove is a great place to get married!

  8. Wonderful news! We are so excited, and you picked the perfect setting. On the rocks at Peggy's Cove near the lighthouse and the Sou'Wester Dining room.

    Moe & Mindy

  9. I am so excited that you two have set the date!

  10. Oh how exciting! I can't wait.

    Huffle Mawson

  11. SIGHHHHHHHH I can't believe it is finally coming true my beloved...our special day at the lighthouse where we will be joined paw in paw forever. I hope all of our friends can come by and share in our joy...
    I am the happiest cat! All my love to you...XOXOXOXOX

  12. Oh! A date is set, and so soon! We thought it wasn't going to be until next year. How exciting!! :D Congratulations!!

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  13. How exciting and congrats to you both! I hope mom will let us teleport over to your wedding. We really want to be there.

  14. How exciting and congrats to you both! I hope mom will let us teleport over to your wedding. We really want to be there.
