
Monday, 30 November 2009

Mancat Monday

As you can see, I am a bit miffed at Mom.
First ,she got our Friday close up pics ready...
and FORGOT to post them!!!!!!!!
Second, she went away ALL weekend so we could not visit!!!!!!

She went to Mrs Quilter's house. They were going on a "Tea & Tour"
They do this every year.She also got to play with Mindy & Moe!!
I was watching for her all weekend!

I do not like it when Mom goes away.
Our sitter is very nice though.

Mom??? Is that you??

How could you leave this handsome face????

Really!!! How?????

Thursday, 26 November 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

To all of our American friends we wish you

Hope yours was as fun as ours was in October!!!!!!!!

Monday, 23 November 2009

Mancat Monday

We had another pretty good weekend.
It was warm on Saturday,and a little cooler Sunday.

Mom figured it was a great weekend to read and clean.
The reading was OK,lots of snuggle time!!
The cleaning...YUCK!! That rug sucking monster came out!
It makes a lot of noise. It did scare Georgia & Tillie though,heeheehee

I don't mind the cleaning, because it will stop
and then I can have more Mom time.
Then we can do some visiting on the blogs!!!!!!
I am a patient Mancat!

Friday, 20 November 2009

Close Up Friday

Gee, in spite of Mom & Mrs Quilter shopping all evening
and playing on the computer,we actually got this post done!!!!!!!!
We did not get to visit though! We will on the weekend.




Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Wordy Wednesday

Sunny days are great.
There are lots of things you can do in the sunshine.

Mickey: You can sit and soak up the sun.

Georgia : You can find a cozy box and have a great snooze!

Tillie: You can just stand in the sunbeams and try to decide what to do next.

We hope you can find some sunbeams!!

Monday, 16 November 2009

Mancat Monday

This is Mom's computer chair.
See how she has a nice cozy blanket folded on the seat?
That is in case she gets cold.
Mom and I fight over this chair!!!

As you can see, I won!!!!
Mom is nice,she won't move me.


Friday, 13 November 2009

Close Up Friday

Happy Friday the 13 !!!!!!!!
We think our close ups will make things OK today.




Last Friday, Mom went to work looking at this !!!!

Ooooooooooo!! That looks cold!
It was raining when she came home though.

Today, it looks like this,with a bit more sun!!
Who says Friday the 13th is unlucky???

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Remembrance Day

On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month,
Canadians are asked to pause and remember
the thousands of men and women who sacrificed their lives
fighting for freedom and democracy during the First World War,
the Second World War, the Korean War, the Afghanistan conflict
and during peacekeeping missions.

Today is Remembrance Day.
The day we remember all the brave people who fought
and are fighting for our freedoms.
Ceremonies are held across the country.

In Flander's Fields...

To our Veterans... a BIG THANK YOU !!!

Laying poppies on the tomb of the Unknown Soldier

at the War Memorial in Ottawa

This is the Cenotaph in downtown Halifax from a previous year.

Thank you to all the beans that served and are serving our country.
Because of them,I can live in peace .
(and have Temptations, stinky goodness,naps and snuggles :)
Thank You!

Monday, 9 November 2009

Midnight Monday

Tillie: Today, I am doing Midnight Monday.
I will share with you what I did on Sunday.
First, I have to boot my sisfur out of the way!
Georgia,I am doing my post. You go play with Mom ,K??

I like to play with my toy on the rug.

I also do some exercises on the rug!!

I like to make biscuits on these mats
Mrs Quilter made for us

Then I can relax and have a good nap.
I hope you all have a comfy place to snooze!

Mickey and Misses Peach are still on their honeymoon !!!
They send us nice postcards of their trip !!

Friday, 6 November 2009

Close Up Friday

Well, Mickey is having a great time on his
honeymoon with his new wifecat Misses Peach!!
We have some other guest close ups to share with you today



Sammy Seagull

Sally Seagull (with lunch)

Frost on leaves

These flowers look like veggies,heehee

'puter problems fixed!!!!

Georgia: We finally got our keyboard issues fixed.
Our new cordless keyboard did not work.
We finally found the problem and now we are back!
We are missing Mickey,but know he is enjoying
his honeymoon !!

Tillie: It's good to be able to visit our friends .
Now we can leave comments.
We will have a nap in the sun first though!!!!

Monday, 2 November 2009

Mancat Monday

Thank you to all my friends
for helping to celebrate my
wedding with Miss Peach !!!!

I will visit soon.I am on my honeymoon!!!!!!
Good thing too. Our keyboard is acting up.
It is 10yrs old and cordless.(batteries OK)
It is not responding well to the device that makes
it work. Mom will try to fix the situation soon.
It is typing 1 letter a second. We can hear a click with every
key, heehee It will not go faster!
Funny,the cordless mouse works fine,but it is not as old, heehee