
Thursday, 26 November 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

To all of our American friends we wish you

Hope yours was as fun as ours was in October!!!!!!!!


  1. Thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes! :) A lovely banner with your photos. We are thankful for you kitties, to have you as cat blogging friends and to get to know more about you and your part of Canada.

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  2. Yeahhhh.....
    Happy Thanksgiving to all our American friends :-)

    You celebrate it in October
    We in The Netherlands celebrate no Thanksgiving :(

    We are thankful to found you as good friends :-)

    Kareltje =^.^=

  3. Thanksgiving is a great time no matter when!!!

  4. Beautiful baner.. It is so good to have such good friends.. Hugs GJ x

  5. Happy T day Mickey & Co!!!


  6. Thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes. I am sending you Thanksgiving wishes to you, your family, and your friends even though you do not have the celebration that we do today. Hope you had a fun filled day today.

  7. Thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes. It's been an interesting holiday week for us :)

  8. We is finkin dat all beans shud has a Thanksgiving day, dat way dey all can eat and be together wif family and friends. Wudnt dat be great?

    Fanks fer da wishes. We understand how the mom's can be lately, its often difficult to get our the mom to even post sumfin. We've become more of the lurkin type on da blogs lately. *sigh*

    Hai Georgia, I missed yoo! Yoo is looking extra bootiful in yer piccy. Want to come snuggle wif me?

    ~ Shadow~

  9. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!


  10. Thank you for your Thanksgiving wishes! We had a wonderful day!!

  11. Hello my beloved husbandcat...I made a mess of mommies dinner but she did not get made. Thanksgiving is highly overated and at our house I made them keep things in purrrrrspective this year!
    Gosh I sure do like your photo from Friday!!! You are gleeming in the sunlight...ahhhh married life becomes you so well...wishing you a blessed weekend with lots of snuggle time with your mommy!
    Your wifeycat

  12. Thank you for your Thanksgiving wishes. It turned out all right for us. Herman got licks of butter and sour cream along with his chicken and broth. I didn't cook a turkey, as a turkey for one person and one cat would be just silly.

  13. It's all about when the harvest happens and it happens much sooner up North. So happy very belated Thanksgiving to you & your family!

  14. It's all about when the harvest happens and it happens much sooner up North. So happy very belated Thanksgiving to you & your family!

  15. Hi Mickey! Yes, I had a very good Thanksgiving. I hid under the bed while all the people were here. But ever since they left, I have been having a turkey feast!

    Purrs to you and yours, Halloween

  16. Well, hello Mick, Dottie and I say thank you for kind wishes.
