
Thursday, 31 December 2009

Happy New Year's Eve

To everyone and especially all of our friends,
we wish you all



See you in 2010

Monday, 28 December 2009

Mancat Monday

Well, Christmas may be over,but the happy season continues!

Last night,Mom took these pictures.
It was raining.

Here are the lights in the kitchen window.

Mom took this picture indoors.

This basket Mom got when she went on the
Tea & Tour with Mrs Quilter.
It has lasted well.

Mom spent a couple of days at Mindy & Moe's place
over Christmas. She took these pictures of our furcousins.



Moe loves food, especially Temptations!!
Look at that silly cat!

Poor Mike is wondering if there will be any left for him!!

That Moe is a silly Mancat.
Well, we all are where Temptations are concerned!!!
Hope you all got some in your sock,
or just because!!

Sunday, 27 December 2009

Christmas was Fun!!

Well,Christmas has come and gone for another year.
We had fun though.
Mainly because we had Mom time!!
For Christmas dinner, she went to Moe & Mindy's home.
Then she stayed there and came home today.
We had a cool sitter though ,heehee

We hope you all had lots of fun and got some goodies!!
We will come visiting to see what Santa got for you,
but we will play with Mom first!!

Monday, 21 December 2009

Mancat Monday- Winter Solstice

Late yesterday afternoon we started to get some snow
from the big storm that hit the eastern US very hard.
This is a part of our deck in the afternoon.

Mom took this picture at 10 PM
We have about 2.5 inches of snow.
Mom hopes it stops soon,hahaha
She says we have enough for a white Christmas!!

See the lights glowing through the snow!!

"The holly and the ivy, when they were both full grown,
Of all the trees that are in the wood, the holly bears the crown. . .

I am the Holly King, Lord of the Waning Year. You may know me as
the Green Man or as the Winter King.
I rule from Midsummer to Midwinter, and my reign culminates
in the festivities of Yuletide.
As the wren dies to make way for the robin,
soon I will bow before my brother the Oak King.
You will not see me again until the Sun once more begins to wane.
As I prepare to withdraw into the deep midwinter,
I contemplate the glowing light of the reborn Sun in my cup —
and in this holy grail, I see visions and dreams of the year to come.

Carry a sprig of holly with you as my token.
It will protect you against fierce winter storms,
and will bestow upon you the focus, direction and
courage you need to succeed in your own spiritual quest.

Fill your homes with holly this season! Deck the halls!
My evergreen leaves and bright red berries,
seen against the barren oaks of winter, will remind you
of the Life that sustains us during the bitterest time of the year."
- The Holly King

Also, today is Tall Son's birthday!!!!!!!!!
I wonder if Moe,Mindy,Bono,Mike & Cookie
will throw a party for him! heehee

Friday, 18 December 2009

Close Up Friday and Dear Princess

It's Friday and it's cold!!
We are snoozy today, so we would not pose for Mom.
Stay warm, friends!! It's cold outside!!
Well, unless you are in Australia,heehee




Mickey and tail

Our dear friend Princess went to be with her brother Caesar
at the Rainbow Bridge

We are very sad. We will miss her so much.
She was 18 1/2 years young!!

Remembering Princess

Our sweet friend Princess passed away yesterday.
She was 18 1/2!!

She lived a charmed life, and was loved very much.

She missed her brother Caesar.
He went to the Rainbow Bridge January 20, 2008

Now they are reunited at the Bridge.

Caesar will guide her on her journey.

They are together again. Happy and healthy.
We will see them someday. For now,we have our memories.

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Wordy Wednesday

Hi friends!!! I am giving an update today.
It is good news too. Then Vet lady said that I am doing pretty
well for a Mancat of 16 years!
My liver enzymes are up a bit, but not as much as they were
back when I had the ultrasound, so that's good.
The other concern was my thyroid,but that was normal!!
Over all I am doing well and am reasonably healthy.
I just need to finish those darn pills!!!! Yuck!
They do not taste good, but they are helping.
I am not sneezing nearly as much. I am
however,sleeping more . That's OK.
That's what we cats do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want to thank everyone who purred for me.
Those purrs sure helped and we appreciate it very much!!!!!!!!!
Now,I think I will have another snooze.

Oh, please don't forget to purr for all the sick kitties & beans on
the Cat Blogosphere!!!!

Monday, 14 December 2009

Mancat Monday

On the weekend,it was sunny.
While Mom said it was cold outside, it was warm inside.
The sun was very cozy. I enjoyed it for a while.
You can see some sun,but the windows are fogged up.
Today, we are having a bit of rain.

Istill have major sneezes, but not as frequently.
I am taking Aunty Biotic( Clinacin)
I do not like it, but it will help any infection in my teeth.
I sleep a lot, but I hope to feel better soon.
We will try to get around and visit,
Thank you for all your purrs!!!!!!!!!
They really help.
Please also purr for all the other sick kitties too.
Purrs have power.

Friday, 11 December 2009

Close Up Friday

For our close ups today, we are showing some pics Mom took a little while ago.
We are glad she remembered to post them this week!!!!




Mom's Note: Mickey has had some violent sneezes for a few days.
The Vet feels he may have an infection in one of his teeth.
He will be taking antibiotics for 10 days.
We will hear the results from his Senior Wellness Panel
later today. Other than that,she said he appears to be doing OK.

Monday, 7 December 2009

Mancat Monday

I had a nice weekend. A lot of it was spent here,relaxing.
It was rainy on Saturday and Mom & her sister went shopping.
In the morning,before the rain, Mom put greenery on the front deck,
so she could put up the outside lights.

Here is the greenery in the rain.

I was a bit sad that is was not grass!!

Sunday it snowed!!!!!!!!!
In the afternoon it mostly stopped ,
so Mom put the lights oh the greenery.

It was cold!
She should have done this on Saturday,heeheehee

This spider was moving very slowly.
Bet he thought id was cold too !!

Hanging by a thread on the window overlooking the back yard.

We had a visit from 5 mourning doves!!!!!!!!!
Here are two. One on the stump, and one in the feeder.

These three were getting seeds Mom puts on the ground.
Even in the snow, they just sat there for a long time.
Guess the squirrels were sleeping!! heehee

Sleeping. That is what I plan on doing today!
I did way too much snoopervising this weekend.
A Mancat gotta do what a Mancat gotta do ;)

Friday, 4 December 2009

Close Up Friday

We are happy that Mom did not forget
to post our close up pics this week!
Mom has been busy,but we reminded her, heeheehee!



Peek-a-boo Georgia !!!!!

Monday, 30 November 2009

Mancat Monday

As you can see, I am a bit miffed at Mom.
First ,she got our Friday close up pics ready...
and FORGOT to post them!!!!!!!!
Second, she went away ALL weekend so we could not visit!!!!!!

She went to Mrs Quilter's house. They were going on a "Tea & Tour"
They do this every year.She also got to play with Mindy & Moe!!
I was watching for her all weekend!

I do not like it when Mom goes away.
Our sitter is very nice though.

Mom??? Is that you??

How could you leave this handsome face????

Really!!! How?????