I had a nice weekend. A lot of it was spent here,relaxing.
It was rainy on Saturday and Mom & her
sister went shopping.
In the morning,before the rain, Mom put greenery on the front deck,
so she could put up the outside lights.

Here is the greenery in the rain.

I was a bit sad that is was not grass!!

Sunday it snowed!!!!!!!!!
In the afternoon it mostly stopped ,
so Mom put the lights oh the greenery.

It was cold!
She should have done this on Saturday,heeheehee

This spider was moving very slowly.
Bet he thought id was cold too !!

Hanging by a thread on the window overlooking the back yard.

We had a visit from 5 mourning doves!!!!!!!!!
Here are two. One on the stump, and one in the feeder.

These three were getting seeds Mom puts on the ground.
Even in the snow, they just sat there for a long time.
Guess the squirrels were sleeping!! heehee

Sleeping. That is what I plan on doing today!
I did way too much snoopervising this weekend.
A Mancat gotta do what a Mancat gotta do ;)