
Saturday, 30 January 2010

What a Difference a Day Makes

Mickey: Things look quite different around here today.
On Thursday, I was sitting on the porch and soaking up the sunshine.
It was pretty cozy too.

Tillie: That's right Mickey. We had a storm on Friday.
It snowed a little, then big winds blew all day!!!
Mom said it was very,very cold.

Look at our driveway now!!

Here is our front yard.
Mom took the pics this morning indoors!
It may be sunny, but it's still cold outside.
This morning it is -12C (10.4F)
The wind chill is -22C (-7.6F) !!!

Georgia: I am looking out this window at all the frosty trees.
They look quite pretty.

This is a little 'ice forest'.

Looking across the river.
Can you see the house on the other side?

The tree has snow on one side .
That way,you can tell which way the wind was blowing.

Now, the sky is clearing and it will be a bright sunny day.
It will also be a cold day, so we are happy to be indoors!!!!!

Friday, 29 January 2010

Close Up Friday

We had a wind and rain storm earlier this week.
We actually got some sunshine yesterday.
It feels so good on our furs too!!!!!




The snow is almost gone.
All the green you see is ground cover known as Vinca.
It has shiny leaves.
The garden is under the leaves.

There are lots of leaves here,under the trees.
The 'rhodies' have green leaves all year.

Do you know what this is???

It is a chunk of ice that was too big to melt
when it rained.
That is Mom's foot so you can see how big the chunk is.
Today, Mom said we will be getting a 'dusting' of snow
and more high winds!!
Dress warm Mom,heehee

Monday, 25 January 2010

Midnight Monday

Tillie: was just finishing my breakfast yesterday
when something outdoors caught my eye.

Look at that!

Oh boy! I wish I was out there!!!!!!!

I could have so much fun!!!!!!

Oh...what was so interesting?
Mourning doves!!!!!!!
Having breakfast too !!

Look!! There are 9 of them here.
One is inside the feeder and it is hard to see him,
but ...look at them all!!!
Wouldn't it be fun to go and chase them?? Heehee

Friday, 22 January 2010

Close Up Friday

Today for our close ups we are including some snow!!
We got a nice layer of the white stuff Wednesday night.
Now everything looks so clean and fresh :)
First, our close ups.


Tillie was in the bathroom,
up on top of the cabinet.



Close up of snow on a deck post.

Our driveway onto our road in the woods.

Looking out the front towards the lake
where Mom saw the ducks the other day.
It was snowing when Mom came home Wednesday night.
You can see her footprints. There are also critter footprints.
We get a few critters during the night.
We do hot see them though,only footprints.

Monday, 18 January 2010

Mancat Monday

Oops!Mom is confused and posted early! hahaha

Yesterday it was sunny and cold outside.
The daytime temperature was -6C (21F)
It was nice indoors though, and this windowsill was cozy.

I moved to another window to watch the birds
feeding on the seed that Mom puts out.
Mmmm,those mourning doves are pretty plump! heehee

I can see what's going on indoors and out
from up here and stay warm.
I like sunny windows!!
For the rest of the week,Mom says it will be overcast!!
The temps will be around 0C (32F) though
Sounds cold to me,but Mom says it is better than
minus temps!!
Bundle up Mom, I'm cozy indoors!!!!!!!!!!

Late Saturday afternoon, Mom was out and saw these ducks
on the lake across the street.They were getting ready for a swim!
There is open water there, because that is where a river empties into the lake.
It did not freeze.Mom says the ice is only thick enough for ducks, not beans.
It still looks cold to me.

Friday, 15 January 2010

Close Up Friday

Well, another Friday is upon us.
That means it's time to show our close ups.

Georgia (she did not like the flash)

Tillie (in the window)

Mickey ( focusing but not focused)

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Wordy Wednesday

As many kitties know, it is Winter in the Northern Hemisphere.
Usually, areas closer to the North Pole experience cold and snow.
This year, many kitties in traditionally warmer climates are
getting snow and cold, some for the first time!!
We thought we would share with you some of our ways of keeping warm.

Here, Tillie is on a cozy pad on a chair.
This works best if you have a furnace and it is on.
(turn it up high if your Mom lets you!)

If it is sunny, you can sit in the sunshine(indoors).
Here, Georgia is on the porch.
The screened windows have clear plastic on them.
However, if it is windy, then you have wind chill !!

If there is wind chill, then it is best to come in the house
and snooze under a blanket like Georgia.
(smart girl)

My favourite way to keep warm is to sleep on
the floor vent sometimes when the furnace is on.
Mom keeps the temperature down when she is at work!!! humph!!!
My new fave way to stay warm is to snooze on this heating pad!!

Oh man, it is SO warm and cozy!!!

I can even have a warm bath,heehee
Sadly, this fine device is NOT on when Mom is away!
This purple sleeping bag is also very cozy and warm too.
It holds body heat well so you can stay warm.
The ideal is to have your Mom/Dad stay home
to keep these devices running, or to have a personal
servant to attend our every need ,heh,heh

I hope these pointers help you all to stay warm and cozy!!!!!!

Monday, 11 January 2010

Mancat Monday

As most of you know,
yesterday was Misses Peach's 17th birthday!!
(January 10)
Isn't she beautiful?!!!!

Needless to say, I had to spend the day with
my dear,lovely wife!!!
Happy Birthday Sweet Peachykins!!!

Friday, 8 January 2010

Friday Close Ups

Our 2nd close up post of 2010 and
we are showing off our shiny furs.


Enjoying sun from December.
We have not seen the sun for a while.


Lately ,our days have looked like this...overcast.
We did not get a lot of snow from the storm last Saturday.
It has not been very cold either, according to Mom.
We are indoor kitties so we are always warm!

Monday, 4 January 2010

Happy Birthday Mom

Mickey: It's that time again.
Happy Birthday Mom!!!!!!

Georgia & Tillie:Have a fun day Mom.
Well,you will with us!!!!!

Growing old is mandatory,
Growing up is optional!!
- Chilli Davis