
Friday 29 January 2010

Close Up Friday

We had a wind and rain storm earlier this week.
We actually got some sunshine yesterday.
It feels so good on our furs too!!!!!




The snow is almost gone.
All the green you see is ground cover known as Vinca.
It has shiny leaves.
The garden is under the leaves.

There are lots of leaves here,under the trees.
The 'rhodies' have green leaves all year.

Do you know what this is???

It is a chunk of ice that was too big to melt
when it rained.
That is Mom's foot so you can see how big the chunk is.
Today, Mom said we will be getting a 'dusting' of snow
and more high winds!!
Dress warm Mom,heehee


  1. Wow! Is the ice like a giant ice cube?

    Smooches to you all!:)

  2. I'll bet that sunshine felt wonderful!

    We went from +8C and pouring rain on Monday, to a snowstorm yesterday and now -25C windchill today. We don't think Spring will ever get here!

  3. We bet ya'll were enjoying that nice warm sunshine on your furs!

  4. I hope you have a lot of sun this weekend!

  5. Wow!! You have no snow!!!!! It rained here too but we still had snow. :( Now it's a snowstorm.

    Enjoy your green view!!!

    We have to say that you are looking extra handsome today Mickey.

  6. We're in the really cold temps here with lots of wind and blowing snow. We hope you all stay warm this weekend!

  7. gorgeous!

    it's 5 degrees F here today!

  8. Great close ups! Yuck on the icy stuff, we're supposed to have ice and snow in the south tonight...hope our power stays on! Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. We had one day of sun, one day of mostly cloudy and now it will rain again. We miss our sunny spots!

    stay toasty friends!

  10. WE sure hope it is not a hail stone like we get here sometimes, ok maybe not that big.
    Stay warm!

  11. It must be nice to enjoy some sunshine. We had some yesterday for the first time since I returned from L.A. It was nice while it lasted.

  12. Love your photos today! And the is one B~I~G cube!

  13. HEY write to us!
    Its been a long time

  14. These are some realy nice pictures! I love the close-up of the ice and all of the kitties look so peaceful. By the way, I gave your blog the Sunshine Award. Check it out on my blog My Kitty Adventures! I enjoy reading about yor garden and the funny thins your cats do. Can't wait for more posts soon!!

    XOXOXOXO Puddin

  15. brrrrrr
    I hate cold stuff.

    Tillie and Georgia, you two are sooo pretty. Your mom really captured your beauty.

    Mickey, that is a very mancatly look. I do not know how to do that. I think I have a lot of growing to do, because no matter how much a practice I always look like a silly kitten.

    I hope you get some sunshine soon.
    Here we are lucky. The storm tracked south so all of those areas that never get snow are getting one foot.
    we will get 117 snowflakes and we are fine with that. Mom wants to see Blizzie in her apartment tomorrow


  16. We love your close-ups!! Georgia, your eyes are so pretty!!!

  17. That's one big ice cube! Is vinca the one with the purple flowers?

  18. Sunshine :-) It suits you all beautifully!

    Thanks for posting the nice pictures from your garden.
