
Monday 19 April 2010

Mancat Monday

Hi friends!!!!! It was pretty cool this weekend.
As you can see, I did not venture far from my heaty pad!
Mom and Mrs Quilter(Mom's sister) were here and we all had fun.
Mrs Quilter's computer is not working. Her hubby is fixing it.
They are happy the hard drive still has a warranty :)
Sunday afternoon, it started to rain. It quickly changed to showshowers.

This picture is not very good. Mom did not want to go outside!
There is a Mourning dove out in the snow!!! Silly bird.
You cannot see the snowflakes in this pic.
They were BIG. Mom says that means we will not get much snow.
It is also raining today!!!

Here is a short movie so you can see our snow showers.
Now, I'll head back to my nice ,warm heaty pad!!!!!!!!!


  1. Big fat flakes!

    I think we're finally over our wet winter, but we're supposed to get rain all week. Very weird weather! Hope that's that last snow for you!

    We had a dove on our patio this afternoon. She was so close to the window we just had to talk to her!

  2. You know what--I'm ready for spring! It's too late for snow showers. How are May flowers to come if there is snow in April?!

  3. We are in autumn here in New zealand days are still nice & sunny and we make the most of getting in the outside runs before the cold days keep us tucked up.

    Hope the sun comes out soon for you

  4. SNOW? It is spring time my beloved husband! Please come by for a walk about in the garden here are the cozy cottage. All is in bloom and the bees are flying from flower to flower. Mommy can fix us a picnic lunch after we come back onto the patio...then we can rest together on the soft lounger in the sunshine until you teleport back home in to winterland. You might even meet Hunny Bunny....
    all my love until I see you, your sunshine wifeycatXOXOXOXOX

  5. Oh my goodness. We'd spend the weekend on a heat pad too with all that snow!

  6. Oh no! Not snow showers!!!! Where's Spring when you need it?

  7. We are lucky it is nice and warm here on the MS Gulf Coast. ~AFSS

  8. Ah, April in Canada. :-)

    We didn't have snow flurries, but oh, it was cold and rainy on Saturday! Still quite chilly yesterday too.

    Stay nice and warm and snuggly on your heating pad!

  9. our rains are gone - for now - but it was still 35 degrees this morning. COLD

  10. Oh no, not more snow...burrrrrr, the heating pad is a great idea!

  11. What is up with the crazy weather? We had a warm weekend but now it's going to rain and get cold again! UGH! Enjoy your heating pad.

  12. We sure hope the weather gets better soon for you guys...Looking handsome as always, Mickey...xo...Calle Halle Sukki

  13. Getting real tired of the white stuff! When will Spring really roll into the Maritimes???

  14. We had snow showers too! Look like Old Man Winter is going down with a fight this year!

  15. Sorry it's cold and snowy. The nice warm heaty pad sounds like a good way to spend the time. Also, sorry to hear about Mrs Quilter's hard drive - hopefully they had a backup in addition to the warranty?

  16. Oh no not snow..You stay on your heat pad..Thats the best place to be.. Hugs GJ x

  17. Lovely big flakes, almost like winter just wanted one more chance to say good-bye have a lovely spring.
    I hope you and your sisters had a very nice day today with sunshine to nap in


  18. Hi everybody!

    Thanks for dropping by my new little blog!

    And yes! I do, I do!! look like Tillie! We are both soooooo good-looking, too. Black cats are the best!


  19. Oh no! You had snow this past weekend??? That's just not right! The weather should be getting warmer...not colder!!! We hope that's the last of the white stuff for you!

  20. You have the right idea, Mickey! Stay on your heaty pad. That snow looks too cold still...where is spring for you?

  21. You have the right idea, Mickey! Stay on your heaty pad. That snow looks too cold still...where is spring for you?

  22. that is the kind of snow i likes to watch through my window with my mommeh, while she has the hot chocklits. i am so glad to meet you guys, thanks a lot for coming by my bloggie and offering such nice moral support! i has it rough - little dustbunny does not stop following me around, even after i bonk it on the head.

  23. snow?

    We are up in the 80's everyday won't be long before the humidity is awful.......


  24. Snow, yuk. We don't want any more of that. Mom hasn't killed anything else lately, but then, the weekend hasn't started yet.

