
Monday 5 July 2010

Mancat Monday

Mom is still having fun learning about her new camera.
I am not too crazy about it, but she does not use the flash,
and she does not need to be "in my face" to take my picture.
Well,most of the time.

I'm happy she finds other things to practice picture taking.
Like Earl the Squirrel.

When Mom was visiting her sister,she 'snapped' Cookie

She also found this interesting "cat".
It was on a throw!!
See, even 'throw' kitties like to hang out on chairs!!

My sisfur Tillie is doing a post at House Panthers.
Drop by and see what she 's up to.


  1. Great photos~
    New camera must take it try try try, that is very normal.
    In my house, you can always hearing the camera sound~!!!! Now I am used to it~!!

  2. Our Mommy is finally learning to use a camera, at the ripe old age of 47...It goes off, alla the time.


  3. Maybe you could throw some treats out the window to encourage the squirrels to come and visit, and take the spotlight away from you for a little while!

  4. Get people to send your mum more kitty things so she can photograph those instead.

  5. We love the expression on your face, Mickey - it says it all! Dobby says he knows what you mean about the camera - fortunately, Franklin LIKES having his picture taken, so it takes a little of the heat off.

  6. New cameras are great fun for humans...not so much for us. But no flash helps!

    Happy Monday!

  7. Wow your Mom captured a squirrel. We are very impressed. They are fast little things.

  8. Hi Mickey, mancat greetings!
    I have to adit, although you have suffering from the relentless photo shoots, your countenance today is impressive!

    Cookie is really beautiful her coat is lovely!

    bonkbonkbonk for a happy sunny day

  9. Looks like your Mom is having a good time with her new toy!

  10. We think your Mom is loving her new camera! That's great. Our Mom keeps eyeing cameras as she would like a Nikon, but since we have to put a new roof on the house, she doesn't think a camera is in the budget. Especially since the next thing we 'need' is a desktop computer since ours died two weeks ago...sigh...


  11. Looks like your mom is having a great time with her new camera! Love the great pics!

  12. Your mom is very talented. We like Earl :)

  13. Yep, at least our mom doesn't use the flash either, otherwise we'd all be pretty cross!

  14. Mickey,
    Da momee sez you are da most hansome cat she haz ebfur seen! (((Iz she not lookin' at me???)))
    But I tink your new camera iz quite flatterin'.

  15. wow that is a verreh cool blanket-kitteh. my mommeh says she wants it!

  16. No more flash on the flashy box is a good thing, right? And a new camera makes you look even more handsome!

  17. New cameras are kinda fun except when you have to read the instruction book.

  18. Mickey, no flash box is gud! We is glad yoo has yer internets back.


    Whisker rubs to Georgia. Love, Shadow
