
Monday, 30 August 2010

Mancat Monday

Mom has been away visiting her sister in Ottawa.
She will be home on Wednesday.

I will be right here then, waiting for her.
I do not like it when Mom is away.

We have a nice sitter, but it is not the same.
Also,I cannot visit until Mom is home.
I miss you guys!!

Want to see what Tillie is up to?
Visit her at House Panther's!

Friday, 27 August 2010

Friday Close Ups

Even though Mom is away, we agreed to pose so we
could bring our Friday Close Ups to you!
Besides, we love to show off our handsome/beautiful faces!!


Georgia (in the early morning sun)





Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Thanks and See You in a Week!!

Thank you friends, for helping us celebrate our Blogoversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was a wonderful time.
We will have to wait a whole week to return your visits!!!
Mom is going away to see her sister in Ottawa to
help her celebrate her 25th anniversary!!!!
Mom will be traveling with 2 sisters and a brother.

We have a great sitter, but he cannot help us blog.
We did up some posts so you will not miss us.
We will miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She is going with 2 sisters and a brother

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Our 3rd Blogoversary!!!!!

Today, we are celebrating our 3rd Blogoversary!!!!!!!!!!
We have had so much fun and made so many friends.
Friends are what make blogging fun!!
We have enjoyed meeting all of you too!

Come celebrate with us,and we will have a super time!!!!!!

Monday, 23 August 2010

Mancat Monday

A many of you know, Mom & her sister get together on weekends.
They drive around looking for neat places to take pictures.
They say it is to get out and enjoy the Summer.
I do not mind, because they always come back.

On one of their trips, the went to a place called Martinique Beach.
It is 5 miles of sand and water.Look!!! Mom is in the water :0
Good thing I stayed home!!

Sammy Seagull was on the beach too.
He looks yummy, pretty nice.
Guess he likes the water, maybe he's going for a swim.

Mom was standing on some rocks.She likes walking over rocks.
This pic shows how big the beach is!

On the other side of the rocks is another beach.
That is way too much water for me!!

Mom likes all the pretty blues.

She also liked the water splashing on the rocks!
Our beans do have silly things they like.
Me,I prefer snoozing,laying in a sunbeam and
watching Bird TV, heehee

This is a little movie from the beach.

Friday, 20 August 2010

Friday Close Ups

It has been a sad week.
So many kitties have gone to the Bridge.
WE will miss them,but will remember
all the fun times!!!!!!!
We hope our close ups make you smile!







Forever in our hearts.

Monday, 16 August 2010

Mancat Monday

We have been doing a lot of this all weekend!!!
That is because Mom was out with her sister.

They took their flashy boxes and took lots of pics.
These are some of them.

They drive around most weekends finding places to take pics.

Look at all those cormorants on that rock!!!

Gee,I thought boats should be IN the water! heehee

I guess they had lots of fun.
I got to get lots of naps!!
I will bug her to do visiting this week!!!!!
I gotta see my pals.

Friday, 13 August 2010

Friday Close Ups

Mom told me that the "Dog Days" of Summer are over.
They lasted from July 3 until August 11.
Of course we all know that the Days of the Cat
run 24/7/365 (366 in leap years)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great Friday the13th !!!!!!!!!!



Tillie( inside her box with holes)



JoyJoy (not happy his nap was disturbed)

Monday, 9 August 2010

Mancat Monday

Guess what?
Mom went to a family reunion yesterday.
She was gone ALL day.

She did promise me some grass though.
So I am waiting for her to get it for me.
I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!

You all know how much I love grass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, I think I hear her coming!!!

Oh, you can also see what my sisfur Tillie is doing

Friday, 6 August 2010

Friday Close Ups

Hi friends, it's Friday again!!
That means Mom time.
At least when she is home and not gallivanting!!!!!!
Mom wanted pics and we decided that we would not look at the camera.
It was starting to get dark and she had to use the flash!
That's because it was cloudy and foggy and muggy.
It was after supper too,heehee
We hope you like our 'thoughtful' poses.
Have a fun weekend too!!







Monday, 2 August 2010

Mancat Monday

As the Mancat of the house,
I like to keep an eye on things.
Here, I am in the bathroom .

I am looking out the window to be sure
that those evil squirrels do not try to get in!!
There is a screen, but that may not be enough!

It takes a BIG Mancat to scare those squirrels away,heh,heh,heh!
That's me!!!!!!!!!!
We are having fun today!
It is a civic holiday and Mom is home!!!!!!!!
Today is our city's birthday!!!
Halifax is 261 years old.That's older than me!!
Even older than Mom, heehee

Want to see what my sisfur Tillie is doing??
Visit her at House Panthers!!