A many of you know, Mom & her sister get together on weekends.
They drive around looking for neat places to take pictures.
They say it is to get out and enjoy the Summer.
I do not mind, because they always come back.

It is 5 miles of sand and water.Look!!! Mom is in the water :0
Good thing I stayed home!!

Sammy Seagull was on the beach too.
He looks yummy, pretty nice.
Guess he likes the water, maybe he's going for a swim.

Mom was standing on some rocks.She likes walking over rocks.
This pic shows how big the beach is!

On the other side of the rocks is another beach.
That is way too much water for me!!

Mom likes all the pretty blues.

She also liked the water splashing on the rocks!
Our beans do have silly things they like.
Me,I prefer snoozing,laying in a sunbeam and
watching Bird TV, heehee

This is a little movie from the beach.