
Monday 27 December 2010

Mancat Monday

Hi friends. Did you enjoy your Christmas or Holidays??
We did, and we are happy they will last for a while.
I will show you some of Mom's decorations.

Here are a few of our Nutcrackers.
There is also a Christmas circle of cats

Near the ceiling. there are little nooks,
and Mom decorated them

She also put up some lights.
Then,she changed the lights to led ones.
(Tillie was very interested in the led lights)

We had a green Christmas,as there was no snow.
Now that it is over snowed!!

As you can see,it is raining 
and a bit foggy.
This will make the snow very wet and heavy!!
Good thing I am indoors!!

Here is a raindrop on a branch.

Tillie likes the lights Mom put up.
You can see her at House Panthers


  1. We're glad you had a good Christmas! Your mom's decorations and lights look great!

  2. Your mom's decorations are very pretty. It's probably a good thing she puts them so close to the ceiling so no cat can whap them.

  3. Such lovely decorations you have. Are they still all there? Some of ours have been pulled down by a young cat who shall remain named Ichiro.

  4. I am very happy to hear that you had a great Christmas! Hey, I like those nut cracker things, we've got some here too!

  5. All your decorations looked oh so pretty!

  6. Mommy likes your decorations and nooks! We think Tillie would never bother the lights, she's just doing her job as Electrical Inspector. It's very important.

  7. Nice to hear you had such a good christmas!!! I love your nutcracker collection :-)

  8. Really Nice Decor !!!!
    I love your decor near the ceiling ...That's cool

  9. We are happy to hear you had a good Christmas, we did as well.
    What great Christmas decorations you have! I bet it is really beautiful in your home.


  10. Hi Mickey! We are glad you had a good Christmas! We love your Christmas decorations - they are very pretty! And we can understand why Tilly likes the lights - we think that lights are super fun! We hope that the weather gets better for you soon!

  11. Looks like you had a great Christmas!

  12. I am very happy for your visit!! It didn´t know your family had increased. Mine also, two rebels have invaded me: Zar and Sara.

    Merry Christmas to all!!!!

  13. Very nice! Our decorations are already gone because someone couldn't leave them alone. :-( But I'll enjoy yours for now!

  14. Thank you so much for coming to see my baby, Admiral. ♥♥

  15. Christmas looks wonderful at your house. FAZ

  16. I am glad you had such a great Christmas. I did, too. I like your decorations.


  17. Mickey, you are the coolest mancat ever!
    Your mom made your house look happy and festive for Christmas! we are glad that you did not get too much snow. The storm missed us and we just got a lot of wind and flurries, and gramma and grampa and Blizzie got one inch in Annapolis. Snow is great but mom says she hates the tiny gravel bits that get into the house
    Happy Christmas to all of you
