
Monday 24 January 2011

Mancat Monday- Introoder Alert!!

Welcome to Mancat Monday!!
I do not know what it is like where you
live, but here in Nova Scotia it is COLD!!
We are having a cold spell.
It should end by mid-week.
At least Mom hopes it does.
She has to go out in it, we don't!! heehee
Today the temperature will be -14 C (6.8 F)
The wind chill will make it feel like -26C  (-14.8F)!!

Some of you will remember seeing this kitty.
He looks in the window at Team Tabby's house.

Mom fed him while she was there.

                                                     He sometimes waited in the tree for her
to look out the window,then he would
come up on the deck.

He looked in the window and meowed.
He came in all kinds of weather and at night!
Last Wednesday we had snow,then rain and he still came!!!
Friday it got cold and even colder on the weekend!
Mom worried about him being outside.If he has a home,
he is hardly ever there!
As Mom was coming back to see us,she worried about the kitty.

Guess where he ended up?????
Yup! On our porch.
That means we cannot go out on the porch.
Mom will check again to see if she can find
if he has a home.He is very friendly.
For now,he is safe and out from the elements!

Go see what Tillie is doing at House Panthers.


  1. Oh how wonderful that beautiful kitty is safe on your porch and out of the awful weather. Nigel said he reminds him of himself a couple of years ago, out in the snow and cold before we trapped him and changed his life forever.

    Purrs, Cory

  2. We are so glad that pretty black kitty is safe on your porch. We cannot imagine being outside in the cold with no home.

  3. I am glad that he is in a safe and warm space right now.

  4. I am very happy that the outside kitty is safe in your porch. Stay warm. I hate the wind chill.

  5. Be careful Mickey. Mothers who feel sorry for kitties stuck outside sometimes adopt them. I still haven't forgiven mine.

  6. I bet he is stray ! And now he found his home : )
    Who is going to be outside like that..It's freezing !!!!!
    Thanks for your mom to look after him.

  7. We've had a bit of a cool summer, but nothing like what your winter is like! Wowza!

    Tell your mum she is an angel and we love her.

  8. We're so happy that sweet looking kitty is out of the elements! We think your Mom is very sweet to do that!

  9. we is happy that he is out of the cold!!!

  10. YAY that he is out of the cold....mama has wet cheeks cuz she immediately fell in love with him.....he looks so much like our Sammy, and we would hate to see our Sammy out in winter weather.

    We will be purraying for him....he needs a loving forever home.

  11. hmmmm, we think you may have a new sibling...

  12. Your mum is a good woman!!!! It's -20C here in Toronto (-4F) and it is too cold for animals to be outside, I'm so happy this lovely kitty ended up on your nice to him ok :-)

  13. It does sound seriously cold over your way!

    That kitty has a most impressive ruff!

    The Chans

  14. What a sweet little face that outdoor kitty has...oh and all that fur we all hope it helps keep him warm...sigh we are so sorry he is outside Mickey.


  15. we are pretty happy that the outdoor kitty is safe, buuuut, what about all of you? are you worried about a stranger kitty? I would be. I guess Miles would like it, he is never afraid.

    I hope your mom puts on a lot of clothes so she does not get cold!


  16. We heard about the very cold weather you were having in Canada and the northeastern US. Here it's warm and springlike, and today was quite warm.

    Poor kitty! how nice of your mom to let him on the porch so that he can be safe from the extreme cold.

  17. It's nice of your mom to feed that kitty even if he is an introoder. We hope she can find out where he lives.

    Stay warm!!

  18. We are so glad to see this post and know your Mommy saved that beautiful black kitty from the bad weather=YAY!!...We hope you all have a fun week ahead, sweet friends and stay warm...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  19. We feed also a outdoor kitten
    my Mommy is so sweet to do that
    (its a streetcat ;)

    Love that black cat
    looks mysterious but also very sweet

    Hugs to all

    Kareltje =^.^= Betsie >^.^<

  20. woowee, same temps here kids! fank goodness that beautyful black kitteh finded some refuge on your porch.

  21. I know he is an intruder kitty, but we are glad he is not out in the cold, cold, cold. Hope you staying warm.

    Roxy & Lucky

  22. We sure are glad that cat is safe on your porch. It was cold here earlier in the week ... -5 degrees Fahrenheit on Monday. Warmer today, but now we are getting another foot of snow overnight. :(

  23. Oh dear, oh dear! This kitty is gorgeous! We sure hope you will report good news that he came back and is ok! Let us know!
