
Monday 17 January 2011

Mancat Monday

I have been quite entertained this weekend
by those silly squirrels!! You would think
they never saw food before! hahaha
Maybe they are just"squirrely" 

Here is Earl, tucking into some seeds.

He's not too sure about Mom being so close.

Is he sticking out his tongue??
Maybe just telling her to back up a bit.

Giving Mom a good looking over.

Not too sure what to think.

Oh, there ya go!!
 He's not too concerned after all.
Just a regular Mansquirrel!!

Earla,on the other hand is a bit more timid.

She is a bit more shy.
Not at all like my sisfurs!!! heehee

Speaking of sisfurs, go see what Tillie
is doing at House Panthers


  1. Oh those silly squirrels. I think they would be tasty though. It's too bad you didn't get to go out.

  2. Oh, how cute!!!! We don't have them here. SS misses them. They used to come right into the sitting room and stare at SS. That was in the UK.

  3. Your mommy is a great photographer~! We used to think squirrels are evil, now we know their cuteness.

  4. I think you could have a great time playing with those squirrels!

  5. They are almost too cute to want to nom!

  6. They are cute. Mommy gets a little irritated with them sometimes for taking the birds food but..she gets over it. ♥

  7. WOW you has a great Skirrl TeeVee! Awesome photos.

  8. Rats! We bumped our noses trying to sniff Earl and Earla...we need to invent a "smellernet" for us Cats!

  9. They are so much fun to watch from the window - ours are named Tick and Tock. They are pretty OK with Daddy, they just sit and watch him fill the bird feeders!

  10. Earl is kinda cute!! And quite entertaining!!

  11. OMC, what fantastic squirrel pics! So cute! My kitties Charlie and Priscilla love squirrel-o-vision too!

  12. Great close-ups are Earl! I imagine he's moving quickly, so photographing him must be challenging.

  13. Mickey
    I can see what they have kept you so entertained!


  14. Mickey, Mommy loves all of you..each one. She is a kitty loving person. But you have her wrapped around your paw. She told me to tell you many many many kisses to your sweet head.

  15. Earl and Earla! Your squirrel friends have cute names. :)

  16. The mom just squee'd - she loves dem squirrels!

    Georgia come on over, I has lots of warm blankets to snuggle in with yoo. ~ Shadow

  17. Earl is so cute! I hope you don't chase him/her!

  18. Those are some great still shots from your Squirrel TV! We think Earl and Earla are pretty cute. :)

  19. Oh my goshgolly, these are the most adorable photos ever -- NO NO I mean these are very tempting, I am getting quite riled up now.

    Bonkbonks Mickey

  20. I love squirrels...what a cutie Earl is :-)

  21. Oh how exciting, we all just love watching those little boogers!
