
Monday, 28 March 2011

Mancat Monday

Hello friends, I'm Treasure.
Tillie & Georgia let me post today.
I am on the porch and enjoying the sunshine.

I am also remembering little Moxie.
He was a littermate of Tillie & Georgia.
He went to the Bridge March 28, 2007
We miss him, but bet he is having a 
grand time with Mickey and all kinds of kitties
 at the Bridge. See you someday little one.

The boys may be having fun at the Bridge, 
but I am having in the sun!!!!
Mmmmmmmm!! Feels good on my belly!
 Hope you have sunshine today!!

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Easy Like Sunday

Sunbeams on a rug = three snoozy kitties!!
Enjoy your Sunday

JoyJoy, Tiger  & Tillie

Friday, 25 March 2011

Friday Close Ups

So. Another week comes to an end.
It has been pretty cool here.
We had sun, but not a lot of heat.
Naturally, indoors, we were quite cozy.
It was a quiet week. Mom gave us lots of
scritches ans snuggles.
We still miss Mickey.
W hope you all have a fun,cozy weekend.






Monday, 21 March 2011

Georgia on Monday

Hi, Georgia here and I am thinking of finding
a cozy place to snooze.

Oh, I think I know a good place!!!

I'll snooze in this box!

Um... maybe not.
It is a girl's prerogative to change her mind.
I hope you all find a cozy sleeping spot today.

Want to see what my silly sister
Tillie  is doing?

Friday, 18 March 2011

Friday Close Ups

Tillie here. We have had a quiet week.
It seems strange not to have Mickey around.
It will take a while to get used to him being gone.
We are,however, looking forward to Spring!!
Already Mom has seen daffodil shoots 
poking through the ground.
Pretty soon the grass will start growing.
Like my big brother, I love grass!!!!
We hope you all have a fun weekend.
We are also still working through our visiting list.
Mom is a bit slow,heehee

(Look at my green eyes.
I am a day late for St Paddy's Day.
Dang!! )





Signs of Spring !!

Monday, 14 March 2011

Mancat Monday- Thank You


Mom Nancy here:
I just wanted to say a BIG Thank You to all you 
wonderful friends who have left so many kind
thoughtful and comforting messages while
Mickey was ill and when he went to the
Rainbow Bridge.
My head knows that it was time for him to go,
but my heart is sad.
He has been with me for 17 3/4years . 
We have been through good & bad times.
My best pal and companion.
I am happy that he is not sick anymore 
and is eating all the grass he can at the
Rainbow Bridge :)
It will take some time to get used to him
not being around and not seeing that 
sweet face when I come home from work.
I am glad for the other kitties. They will help
me deal with this loss. They are good kitties.
We will try to return your visits,especially 
those we have not met before.
Once again, this shows the tremendous support
 and friendship in the Cat Blogosphere!!!!
Again, THANK YOU !!

July 11,1993-March 11,2011

Thank you Zoolatry for this lovely graphic.

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Goodnight Sweet Prince

Well friends,I have not been well for sometime.
Last night I told Mom it was time for me to go.
I could see some of my friends waiting for me
at the Rainbow Bridge.
friend Luxor and dear friends Princess and Caesar.
There are so many other  friends waiting to greet me
I know Mom is sad, but we will meet again
Goodbye friends, until we meet again...

July 11 1993- March 11,2011

Mickey Moonshine

Friday, 11 March 2011

TGIF- Mickey Update

Hi, Georgia here. We are happy it is Friday
 and we get Mom time. That means more
cuddles and scritches.
Mom has been giving lots of attention to 
Mickey. He is still sleeping a lot and not 
wanting to do much else.
When Mom feeds him, he does keep his food down,
 so that is a good thing.

We all purr for out big brother.
He is a pretty cool cat.

We also ask that you purr for little KC and ML.
KC is feeling poorly and has breathing problems.
We also purr for all kitties who are not doing well .

We purr that all our friends have a fun weekend!!

Monday, 7 March 2011

Mancat Monday

I am not providing Mom with many
photo ops lately. I spend too much
time snoozing. Mom just fed me,
and I sat for a few minutes.
I had a drink, then went to lay down and snooze again.
Because I do not feel well, I do not want to 
do things. I just want to sleep.

I do ,however, feel your purrs and positive vibes.
I am a very lucky Mancat to have so many 
caring friends.

Tillie has found something most interesting!
Double hearts outside! 
You should go over to see them

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Easy Like Sunday

Well friends, I am still here.
I love to snooze and do it a lot!
My heaty pad keeps me warm.
Mom says that it is warmer today,
and will be all week!
I am happy about that.
Spring will be here in 2 weeks 
and we move the clocks ahead next week.

I am not feeling the best, but I am not
quite ready to leave.Mom has to feed me,
and I will accept that. For now,I am 
content to sleep and dream and
think about how many wonderful friends
I have made over these past few years.
That makes me happy!!

Have a happy Sunday and take it easy!!

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Yuck, My Test Results

Well friends, I had my big ultrasound test.
They said I have a bit of fluid in my abdomen,
I also have a growth and that is not too good.
It makes me not feel the best.
Right now, all I want to do is sleep.
Mom is looking after me until I decide 
what I want to do.

One way or another,I will let you know what I decide.
 For now, I am going to sleep on it  and just have
some sweet dreams.

Thank you SO much for all your
 purrs and purrayers!!!
They have been making me (and Mom)
feel better.!!
 We hope to visit you all soon.