
Monday 4 July 2011

Happy 4th to Our American Friends!

We hope all of our American friends
are enjoying  the 4th of July as much
as we enjoyed Canada Day July 1st!!!!!

While celebrating this weekend with her sister,
Mom caught a cold.So did her sister !!!!!
Good thing Mom has  we kitties to look after her!!!
Silly Mom,heehee


  1. Thanks for the 4th wishes! Too bad about your mom. You kittehz give her extra snuggles. It's no fun to haf a cold in the summer. Purrs for your mom.

  2. That's too bad about your human - they hate it when they get sick on three-day weekends! It IS a good thing she has you guys to look after her!

  3. Thanks!! We're hiding because of all the boomers!!

    Take care of your mom and we hope she feels better soon!

  4. Happy 4th of July to you all.
    I know you all will be the great nurse but I would love to send lots of my purrs to her to get well so soon
    Love and Please Take Care

  5. We are getting our spots in the closet ready for hiding!
    You all take good care of your Mom, summer colds are the worst. Purrs!

  6. Happy Canada Day and Happy Fourth to you too! And hope that your Mum feels better soon.

  7. Happy Canada to you! Hope your mommy and her sister feel better.

  8. We wuz that picture you guys fixed up! Its super! Happy to you too!

    We sorry your Mumsy is sick. Everyone here's been sneezing too. Our Mumsy has been taking medicine and no too well with her nose at alls. We sure hope yours gets wells soon. We know you gonna takes good care of her :-)

    Make sure you gets you plenty of rest too though, and have a happy!

  9. Give your mum some extra get well smooches from us, k? :)

  10. We hope you all had a fantastic Canada Day and long weekend!

  11. We hope your mom feels better soon!!! we is purring for her!

  12. Thank you for the 4th of July wishes!
    Hope your mom's cold goes away soon. Having kitties around always helps :)

  13. Thank you for the wonderful celebratory wishes!
    Hope your Mom feels better soon!!


  14. my dearest sister wonderful that we can celebrate our countries holidays so close is a fine way to begin the summer season. I know it is hard to believe that your mommy and auntie have a cold...those should happen in the winter time...
    Please look after them very well...after all...they look after you quite well.
    You are all looking beautiful in your close up portraits...
    We are well and happy...filled with hope and dreams. In happy dreams my Mickey sometimes comes to visit...oh I am blessed and lucky...thank you for loving me so much...
    Your devoted Peachy

  15. Happy Belated Canada Day to you all! Oh thanks so much for your purrs, we really appreciate them.

  16. Sorry we're late in replying. Thank you for the good Independence Day wishes. we hope you had a great Canada Day! :)

  17. I hope everyone got over Canada Day!

  18. Nice to see all of you in one photo! And thanks for visiting our reminded us to visit you!

  19. We hope your Mom is feeling better.

    Thanks for coming to our blogoversary party!!

    The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
