
Monday 21 November 2011

Monday Musings with Georgia

Hi friends!! 
Once again we had a nice weekend!
It was pretty warm and we enjoyed some sunshine.

While I did enjoy getting some sun on my furs,

I would have preferred Mom to be around more!!
She was st her sister's house again doing
something called"getting ready for Christmas"
They are working together on a project for
 their family. They are happy to get this done
and know that this present will be done
Now Mom says there is something 
going on next weekend too!

Good thing I have cozy places  around here!!
With Mom running around and being away 
sometimes, I just curl up and have a nice nap.
It's even nicer when you have a nap with 
company!!!! Zzzzzzzzzzzzz!

Oh!! Pop over to House Panthers.
Tillie is not too happy with Mom
 being away so much either.
To visit, click here !


  1. Miss Georgia, Every time I see you, I just can't stop smiling.I don't know why. But I think you are super cute.

    and I giggle hard when seeing 3 meatloaf on da bed...tee...heh..heh

  2. Three pretty kittehs are better than one!

  3. Glad you have some buds to curl up with, Georgia! Tillie seemed kinda blue. Maybe you could take her under your wing a bit and cheer her up?

    Laura and Taffy

  4. Hi there!

    We had sunshine the last weekend too!
    Happy Monday to you all!

  5. Sun is always nice!!

    The PM has been doing that "getting ready" too, somewhat annoying. : (

    Purrs Goldie

  6. The humans never seem to stay home enough, do they. Very frustrating. At least you had a mild weekend and lots of great napping! :-)

    Happy Monday!

  7. Hi Precious! You're looking beautiful! xoxox

  8. We hope this "getting ready" involves LOTS of toys for all of you. Really, what else is as important, MOL!

  9. You can always visit me on the weekends, Georgia...or any time you want!

  10. *sigh*
    What is it with the Mom's that they run around so much more around the "holidays"?


  11. I think it is time to ask Santa to change all the door knobs, and of course, Santa would give you the Key... So you could decide if your mommy could go or not!!!!

    Thank you so much for your comforting words and purrs.


  12. FaRADaY: *raises paw* um, couldz U tell Mr Sun to visit us soon plz? Today was a cold, by-the-fireplace day (which is okay, but sun puddle it is NOT).

    Looks like U hadz some wunnderful sun puddle time!

  13. You look like you have a very very lush winter coat. Or is this normal for you? Any way, you are lovely!

  14. We're glad you were able to enjoy the sunshine, Georgia!

  15. It's nice having a long nap with either sunshine or companions. Stay warm.

    It's been a bit cold here in New York (it always is in November), so I can only imagine it being more so there...

  16. I am glad you got so much nice sunshine, Georgia. Mom being gone on the weekends really bites. I hope you get some real Mom time soon. Thank you so much for your kind words about Emma. I really appreciate having so many special friends.

  17. Mums go out too often - our mum is always out or on the talking thing she holds to her ear. We hope you get big cuddles later.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  18. We feel sympathy ~ moms and dads are lways going out! :sigh:

    Thank yoo for coming to my gotcha celebration! Alfie xx

  19. furs... and yet they are not home enough to enjoy them? Lovely to discover you. Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

  20. Hi Georgia, yep, there is a lot of coming and going - going on. Sigh. Must be the time of the year when "stuff happens". Hope you are okay, and bearing up alright, though.

    your furcousins....

  21. Sorry you are missing Mom. Did ya get the Halloween prize yet from PJ's? Please let us know.

  22. At least yoo can keep each other company!
