
Tuesday 27 December 2011

Christmas Gift

Hi!! JJ here. I hope you all had a wonderful
and fun Christmas and Holiday time!!!

We did!! Mom was at her sister's place
 for Christmas, but she came back 
and spent lots of time with us!!
She used up vacation days, 
so she was off lots of days this month!!

We love it, but I like it the best!!
This is our furcousin Mike.

This is Moe.
Wonder what he was looking at.
Somebean with food,no doubt!!
We bet they had a fun Christmas too!!
There were lots of beans around!!!

Mom's nephew,Tall Son,was there too.
 Christmas Eve,his Mom gave him this 
birthday cake

He likes the sparkles!! 

It does look pretty.
Mom said it tasted good too!!!


  1. You are lucky you got an Ess! I got one too.

  2. Happy Christmas, JJ? Yow! you guys got a real Ess! cool! we had never seen sparkler candles before and the cake sure looked yummy :) Have fun!

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, HOllie

  3. You have great cousins! That Ess looks wonderful! We love ours!

    The Chans

  4. We are glad you all had such a good time this holiday. But we are happy to hear your Mom is back home with you, we know you missed her. Those were some great pictures of all of your cousins!

  5. You got an Ess!!! We feel deprived. Our mum still hasn't got us one and we told eleventy twelve times a day that we wanted one.

  6. I'm ging to have an Ess ready for my next baby! LOVE seeing the family pictures and you all of course are gorgeous.

    Mom Carole

  7. That sure Ess a great present and such a good looking family you have!

  8. Looks like blogger ate our comment....trying again!

    We were reading all your posts, and we love the scratchy scroll too! And love the pic of all you 5 together! Mom never catches us all that close together for a pic!
