
Friday 2 December 2011

Friday Close Ups

Happy Friday friends!!!!
It is another weekend and once again, 
Mom will be busy outside the home.
She is going to a family get together.
She says "better to do it now before the weather
gets too bad.
Also, one of her sisters will be spending
Christmas in Ottawa with her son's family.
They are expecting a new blurp Dec 28!!
As usual, we will be spending our time snoozing 
and watching Bird and Squirrel TV.
We hope you all have a fun, fun weekend!!
Maybe your beans will be home... maybe not 







The peppermint patties Mom 
and her sister made for the Tea and Tour.
If you would like the recipe, we will
email it to you!

Another pic of the Vishus Deer!!

Want yo see more?
Tillie did a post ,see it here!


  1. That deer does look very vishus! Stay away! And congrats on the upcoming blurp!

  2. You kittehz are lookin good! Mindy is a cutie, too! As we always say,"they're not so vishus simmering on the stove.!"

  3. The close-ups are beautiful, though we wonder if Tiger's got a burr under her tail or has just had it with the flashy box? Glad to meet sweet Mindy. She looks like a sweetie. Hope you get some at home time with your mom.

    Laura and Taffy

  4. Is it just us, or does Mindy look like trouble?!

    Everyone looking beautiful today.

  5. Guess what? I have allergy troubles with my tummy and mom feeds me vishus deer evfurry day - or I get ducky.

    I hope all of you have a terrifibonk week-end in the sun. It is going to be nice here and mom is going to finish putting the lights on the house (we do not put a lot on though, certainly not like the neighbors do)

    all of you look so sweet and cozy and happy, with bright eyes too! Your cousin Miindykins is a cutie pie -- do I detect a little bit of mischief in those eyes?

    Mom wants the recipe. she loves peppermint anything - well, except Peppermint LAMB (yuck hate lamb)
    our address is rd.bolton @ comcast, net

    Have a super fun week-end kitties!!

    big huge bonks too

  6. Do you have vishus deer in your garden? We hope you all have a great weekend.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  7. lovely close up pictures!! We hope your mom has fun this weekend. We would ask for the recipe cause mom loves peppermint patties, but she is not allowed to make candies anymore after a certain cooking incident (no fire or anything, but there was a LOT of smoke - MOL).

  8. Hi kids! Stay warm this weekend while your mom's away. That's what we'll be doing.

    We would love the recipe! wmthecat [at] will do it. I'll let you know how bad my mom spazzes with it!

  9. EeeK! You have to be very careful of that vishus deer.
    You all take very good close up pictures.

  10. Mommy saw two tortie twins yesterday just like Georgia and Tiger! Thank Cod she didn't bring them tortie is enough, MOL!

    Mommy would like to have your Mom's recipie:

    katniplounge AT gmail DOT com

  11. Oh your closeups take Mom's breath away!!! We hope your Mom has a great weekend with family and that all of you do as well.


  12. What great closeups of all of you! And watch out for that vishus deer!! They look pretty...but don't let that fool you!!

  13. Wow, lots going on at your CatHouse. Great pics and nice to meet your furcousin! Ooh, that deer!!

  14. beloved has been so long since I have come by to chat...we have the big sads at the cozy cottage because so many of our furriends are sick and going to the rainbow bridge. mommy told me that there will be a Christmas secret for all of us this year...maybe that will ease the sads a bit...I can not tell more except that I might not be too please as everyone else might be...
    You are all looking so sparkly in your close ups...and we hope you will stay safe while the mommy girls are out with tea and pepperminty patties...we want the recipe too please!!!
    much love from your devoted sister hunny Bunny

  15. Y'all are sure looking great! I hope your weekend is totally purrfect!

  16. Gorgeous close ups of you all as always and cousin Mindy is a real beauty too!...Hope your Mom has a great time with her family...Happy weekend, sweet friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  17. Boo! Vishus Deer! ack.

    Now i have to look at the pictures of you all again to get over my fears.

    I'm sorry your mommy is gone all weekend. My beans were home today, but will be shopping lots tomorrow. sigh. I did get to nap with mommy today. I hope she'll do it again tomorrow.

    Have a great weekend and stay warm!

  18. This weekend we are moving house. It's NO GOOD!

  19. What a bunch of pretty kitties! Stay away from those vishus deer. Where there's one, there's more!

  20. You are such gorgeous kitties, all of you!!! Nice to meet your lovely cousin too!
    Hugs xo
