
Monday, 30 January 2012

Monday Musings with Georgia

This post is great for rubbing mu cheeks!!

Good!! Now my smell is on this post!!

 I had something to say today!

Oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!
A long time ago, our friend Huffle
gave us an award!!!

“Liebster” means dear, dearest, favorite or beloved in German.  
The requirements of receiving the award are to link back 
to who gave it to you, paste the Award on your blog, 
then choose 5 of your favorite blogs to pass the 
award on to that are up-and-coming blogs with 
less than 200 followers, let them know by leaving a 
comment on their blog and hope that the 5 blogs 
chosen will keep on spreading the love by passing
 the award on to 5 more blogs.
So we are passing this award on to the following:

and because we like to break the rules,

Why not pop over to House Panthers
and see what Tillie is "thinking" about.


  1. pawsome award and great picture of you Georgia

    BoBo Salem
    Meow Meow Family

  2. Oh I am thrilled! At first I thought perhaps there was another cat named Chey but it linked to me!

    Congratulations!!! And I shall have to post this soon (Ichiro has already posted and is ready to publish his Monday post--brat).

  3. Concatulations on your award!

  4. Ooh, concatulations! You deserve the honor!

  5. Concats on your award and we love how you disobey the rules!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  6. YOu are so beautiful. My mommy loves Tortie but I bet you knew that. She now loves Tuxies. You may have that one figured too, Oh heck. She loves Every kitty.


  7. What a nice award! And the post looks great for rubbing up against. Luna enjoys doing that, too :)

  8. Georgia that is a awesome award and so well deserved.
    I rub my stinky smells all over everything, especially Mom! I claim her as totally belonging to me.

  9. Hooray for you! Concatulations on your cool award, and great job marking up that post. :)

  10. Don't you just love getting your smells on stuff, Georgia?? Congrats on your award.

  11. Concats on your award! You deserve it! You best make sure the post is nice with your perfume or someone may stink in up...well, they might do that anyway. Thanks for your support today. Everyone is in shock. Thankfully they had grief counselors in, and it helps that there are such nice people out in CB land too! Take care & stay safe.

  12. Congrats on the award and thank you for presenting it to us. ending lots of Purrs! :)

  13. This is a pawsome awardie and it is well deserved for you kitties. All of you are totally Liebsterful!

    Georgia, I did not know you were a bonkpoledancer, haha just kitty-ing.

    have a fun week. Miles and I are going to melt in the sun today

  14. Hi Georgia!
    Concats on the award! And thanks!

  15. Concats on the award. You are dear kitties.

    Oh, the pot in our post? The previous post was on the tea kettle's demise. :)

  16. Hee hee, do you rub your tush cheeks on that post too?

  17. Good going, sweet Georgia! We like seeing 4 photos of you, too...

  18. Conga rats, sweet thang, Georgia! Taffy always rubs on me and everything around me, just to make sure.

    Laura and Taffy

    PeeEss: Taffy's eye is much better! Thanks again for your purrs.

  19. pawsome award and those are some nice fangings of the furniture!

  20. Happy Friday to all of you
    We wish you a very unusually warm and sunny week-end

    Huge gigantic bonks

  21. Congrats on the very nice award!!! Hey, love the pics and we think y'all are special too!!!

  22. FaRADaY: BWAA-HA-HAA! I *loves* a Rule Breaker! HIGHPAW and concats on the Liebster Award (looks like you got some good marking in on that green thing, too!)

  23. Congratulations on the award!!...You are such a beauty, Georgia!...Happy weekend, sweet friends…xoxo…Calle, Halle, Sukki

  24. Hello? Hello, Georgia? Are you there?

    We love a rule-breaker!

  25. Well done on the award! And looking lovely as always Georgia :o)
