
Friday 20 January 2012

Un-Solved Mystery Friday

Our friends at Zoolatry thought that today,
we should post about any unsolved
mysteries we had.  I am posting about
something that happened a while ago.

I was just relaxing on this bookshelf,

when, suddenly I heard a scratching sound!!!

I got up and looked at the wall. 
The noise was coming from inside!!

I could not smell anything!!
I know there is something in there!!

I have no idea what it was!
I asked Mom if maybe it could have 
been a mouse.

She said yes!!!!!!!!!
She said the place is old and there are many 
places  a mouse could get in and run 
around inside the walls!!

I just know it was a mouse!!
What else could be making a noise
inside the wall ?????
What do you think???


  1. A real live mousie!?! Wow! I bet your mom doesn't like that too much.

  2. Dang! Too bad you couldn't get in there and get that mousie!!

  3. A mouse? EeeeeeeK!

    That's Jan shrieking. We think a mouse in the wall is neat.

  4. Skeery! But we've heard they are yummy. xoxo

  5. We think mom is preparing tuna food for you all. :)

  6. Yep... MOUSE!!! We occasionally have those mysterious noises here too.

    The Chans

  7. We think it must be a mousie - perhapps he had boots on as he was making a noise inside the wall. Is your Mom stood on a chair in case the mousie gets out and runs over her feet?
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  8. I was doing the same thing yesterday! I fink its a mouse!

    xoxox Katie

  9. Oh yes! We think it's a mousie too. Sometimes in the winter we hear those mystery noises. The beans don't know where they are getting in, but we do. We wait patiently in the garden and 2 or 3 days later we give them a present of the mousie body. They don't hear the noises again for a few months, and then the next one gets in and we start all over again.

  10. Really??? But, where is the fun if you can't GET to it? sigh....

  11. I think you are so right and it could be a mousie, keep on your guard my friend Hugs GJ x

  12. Oh my, that has to be it, a mousie...keep looking for holes!

  13. Our human sez we haf evidence of mousies in the utility closet, but we neber gets to chase them. We hopes your mousie comes out so you can chase him!

  14. O, we used to get lots of mousies at our old house. We vote for its a mouse cause they are so much fun to play with. We hope you have lots of fun with it!

  15. Wow, mousies in the walls??...That would drive us crazy!!...Gorgeous photos, beautiful Tillie...Happy weekend, sweet friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukkil Tillie...

  16. Tillie
    We bet it was a mousies too!!

