
Friday 17 February 2012

Happy Friday !!

Guess what??
Mom will be home for the weekend!!!
We are all SO excited too!!
Still no end in sight to the transit strike,
but we are happy to have Mom home!!
We purr you all have a super fun weekend!!!!!!


  1. Hooray for your Mom being home for the weekend - we take it the strike
    is still ongoing.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. Come see me..I tagged you for some questions..xoxox

  3. Yea, your mom is home. Booo they haven't settled the strike yet. We keep purring. And my paws are crossed.
    Meanwhile, enjoy your time with mom.

  4. Hooray! We hope you have a lovely snuggly weekend all together :)

  5. There's a transit strike near here, too. I saw it on television. Peeps all over are having troubles 'cause of it. Just wondering... are you a Canadian kitty like me?

  6. Glad that your Mom is coming home for the weekend. We have a three-day weekend here, so lots of extra kitty time.

    Seems like the transit strike is going on for a while. It's always rough when that happens. We have had a few of those here, too, but they rarely go on for long.

  7. Oh, your poor family. Your mom must miss you terribly too. We hope the transit strike ends SOON!

  8. That sure makes for a purrfect weekend!

  9. Make all the biscuits you can! We hope this silly strike ends SOON.

  10. I'm glad your mom will be home on the weekend. Somebody needs to tell those transit cats no fighting and no biting!

  11. Our mom is gone until next Wednesday night! Can we teleport over for a visit?

    Truffle and Brulee

  12. Yay! We're so glad your mom will be home for a couple of days!! Stock up on those tummy rubs!!

  13. Ugh, I can't believe that strike is STILL going on! I feel for you guys - I hope it sends soon and your human can come home for good!

  14. we can tell you are happy, Tillie! We're glad you'll have the weekend with your mom. The transit strike sounds like an awful headache for everyone! we hope it will be resolved soon. Have a great weekend!

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

  15. Enjoy your mom while you can! We know she will enjoy you too. Strikes are so unpredictable, but we hope this one ends soon!

  16. Woo-Hoo! Mom time is great! Enjoy. xoxo

  17. We are happy for you, Tillie, 'cause you're gonna get mom-time! We will keep purring until the strike ends, never fear. We invite all the other kitties to purr for you too - very loudly.

  18. That is wonderful news indeed! Enjoy every moment!

    The Chans

  19. Tillie, we can only imagine our the mom not bein here. We is glad yoo all had her home fer da weekend. We hope dat bus fing stops soon, yoo need yer mom back full time!!

    Happy Valentines (very belated) to yoo all.

    I send my whisker rubs to yoo Georgia (I is sorry fer the mom's lack of internet time - she's most lame!!) - Shadow

    We is hopin all is well fer yoo?

    Foster Mustachio

  20. Tillie
    So glad you got your Mom home with you this weekend and we are keeping our paws crossed that that transit strike ends very soon.
