
Friday 23 March 2012

Friday Thoughts with Georgia and Tillie

Well guess what? Yesterday was sunny and HOT!!
It has been very warm pretty much all week!!
Yesterday it was 27 C!! That is 80.6 F!!
That temperature set new record highs for March!
The last record high in March was in 1979 and 
the temperature was 10 C or 50 F !!
Today it is still nice and sunny, but it is
13C.(55 F )

Yup, it is cooler today. Yesterday Mom was off, 
so she got together with Auntie and TallSon.

They went down to the waterfront in Halifax.

A tall ship was visiting. It is a training ship
and is called the Simon Bolivar

As you can see, it is pretty big!

Pretty long too! They went on board to have
a look around. They took pictures and Mom
will share some with you another day.
It was a busy week, so we did not get to visit
many of our friends. Mom said we can do  some
visiting on the weekend!!! Yay!!!

We hope you all have a super fun weekend too !!!!


  1. It's been really warm here too! Like we went straight from winter to summer! Have a great weekend!!

  2. It's been unseasonably warm here in the NE U.S, too! Enjoy your weekend, sweet friends!

  3. We are having more of a normal March here - some mild, some rainy and some pleasant. You guys have been having wacky weather!

  4. we always had warm weather here. we hope for a snow, but we know, we can never have it..hehehe

    BoBo Salem
    Meow Meow Family

  5. Sounds like fun! We luf the pic of the ship. We bet there are lots of hidey-holes on it. xoxo

  6. We've had the warms here, too, for the last ten days - 80s even. Record highs for here in Michigan! That's one big ship! We sometimes get tall ships here on Lake Michigan, but not for a while.

    You two look happy, like you could wiggle all over. Hugs.

  7. That is BIZARRE, weather-wise!

    Nice tall ship but our ow fave has always been the Bluenose. We just read that it's going through a major refit in Lunenburg. That's where #1 last saw it 3 years ago.

    The Chans

  8. We heard it was crazy hot yesterday! (Our human was chatting with her mom.)

    Nice to see the waterfront shots and the tall ship.

    Happy Friday and happy weekend!

  9. We are having unusually warm weather here as well. We got to mid 60's yesterday and it may get to 70 over the weekend. We are enjoying it.
    That is a lovely ship. Mum said she has seen it on one of the cruises she has been on, but can't remember where.

  10. Dont you just love the warm weather ? We all could just nap in a nice sun spot all day long!

  11. The Admiral, my sisfur who came before me, would have loved that ship!

  12. I love Katie's comment, I was thinking of Admiral too. have a fun weekend everyone!

  13. I hope you kitties are having a good weekend and enjoying the warm weather.

  14. We've had warm weather for weeks now too=enjoy the sunbeams, sweeties...Happy weekend, lovely friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  15. Those tall ships are mighty impressive. It's good that you had such a nice day to go see them.

  16. It's is weirdly warm all over, except the west coast. Isn't it amazing? Does that mean we're in for a super duper HOT summer?
    Have a great weekend.

  17. Wow, it didn't even get that hot here in summer at all. We have stayed below 24 degrees C, and our autumn has started early.

    Julie and Poppy Q

  18. It's FURRY bewteefuls, those ships and the sky is like a Ceylon sapphire on color.
