
Monday, 23 April 2012

Chewing My Way Out of Here !


Oh Hi!! Am I planning something you ask?

As a matter of fact I AM planning something!

I am chewing this screen! Maybe I might chew to the outdoors!

There were two screens here.

Why do I want out you ask?
Well,lately Mom has been doing more reading
than helping us visit!

Pay attention Mom.We want to see what our friends are doing.
 Don't read so much, OK?

Tillie got grass!!!!
Go over and see at House Panthers!!


  1. Honey, please don't chew the screen. You might get metal splinters in your beautimous Tortie mouf. You come over here so mama can whisper to you just how gloriously beautiful you are. xoxoxoxoxo

  2. You know, Georgia, if I could, I'd probably bite the screen, too! I think it would be satisfying--and teeth-cleaning, too! As long as it's the vinyl kind.

  3. Chewing the screen is clearly a message. Do you want to be a film star, sweetie?

  4. Georgia, if you chew your way outta there, come see us!!

  5. Awesome - we never thought of chewing on the screen! We will have to give that a try! Maybe I will send Binga over to the window to try it out first...

  6. Georgia, we hope your human staff sees how much you want to get fresh air and sunshine. But stay safe! Adult supervision is what works for us.

  7. Well that's one way to tell them you need to go visiting!

  8. Err, did you accidentally left some food bits there?

  9. Nicki's on his way over to help you chew your way out. He thinks it's a great idea! ;-)

  10. Chewing the screen is probably a very good way to get your Mom's attention.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  11. Oh that mightmnot taste too good in the long run!

  12. Well you will get your mums attention but please be careful as I dont want you hurting your mouth on the screen... Hugs GJ xx

  13. Well you will get your mums attention but please be careful as I dont want you hurting your mouth on the screen... Hugs GJ xx

  14. We don't have any screens to chew! Rats.

  15. Oh dear. Chewing the screen doesn't seem like a good idea, even if you want to get out. It's not safe.

  16. Oh Georgia be furry careful with chewing on the screen. WE don't want anything to happen to you!

  17. Mommy, pay attention to sweet Georgia!!! Please help her visit more. My woman does understand "reading" though.

    William makes a point. If it's vinyl, it has "slip" on it. To kitties, that's a source of fat, which is hard to find in the wild. If it's metal, please don't chew on it Georgia.

    Taffy & Laura

  18. Careful with the can't possibly be as tasty as some nommy treats!
    xo Katie & Glogirly

  19. Ooh, I remember doing that when I first camed to my furever home. I could come and go as I pleased, and the nights were mine! But not as safe as my home. The foodies were better here and the cuddles were worth being an indoor kitty. Please just go out the door with your servants only, and be safe.
