
Thursday, 3 May 2012

Gardening Thursday

Hi, I'm JJ and today, I am doing  my first
Bear in mind that the garden is done by Mom.
I can suggest, but I cannot make Mom do the 
required work! However, I will do my best.
I may have to get pointers from the founder of
this group, Jonesie!!

One rainy day, Mom took pictures of a few blooms  .
This daffodil was just starting to open.
It is open now,but I have to send Mom out for a picture!

These tiny flowers were the first ones to bloom.

We have lots of Vinca, and it is a ground cover.
It covers land close to some trees that we do not need 
to have  grass because it is too rocky to mow.
The leaves are shiny and stay green all Winter.

This daffodil is in another part of the garden
and was in full bloom. It is quite pretty.

I hope that as the season  moves along I will be able
to bring more reports and pictures.
Mom wants a simple,easy to care for garden, so she 
wants to put in decorative grasses.
Tillie won't like that as she will not be able to eat them!!
Well,that is all for today. Hope you enjoyed
my short tour.


  1. HOW very beautiful the blssoms are and all of you. A joy to see.

  2. Very nice pictures, JJ! Those look good enough to eat! :-)

  3. Gorgeous photos!!!

  4. You did a good job for your first garden post, JJ! Those flowers are very pretty!!

  5. Mom's bff moved into a house with at least 12 different types of narcissus. Mom enjoys the photos but would hate the weeding. The garden is HUMONGOUS!


  6. GReat pics! We luf the Vinca. Our Mommy lufs anything that doesn't haf to be mowed!

  7. I think you did a great report, JJ!

  8. Your first garden post, JJ? No one would guess from the excellent tour you gave. The photos are gorgeous, as you yourself are. We haven't grown fancy grasses, but hear that the are pretty easy. Just cut them down once a year. sounds good to us.

    My woman only gardens in containers on the deck now - no weeding! She won't be doing many this year due to the house repairs, but has already gotten a couple of tomato plants, greens and some herbs. We look forward to seeing more of your garden.

  9. Gorgeous spring blooms, JJ. You did a great job getting your mom to take the photos and type your gardening post! Well done!

  10. WOW JJ, everything sure looks pretty! Thanks for showing us!

  11. JJ those are beautiful pictures of your garden and doesn't your Mom love the way her camera takes those great pictures?
    Our does.
    She goes crazy taking nature pictures.

  12. That is an excellent first report on your lovely garden, JJ! It is so nice to see the garden coming back to life after the winter season.

    Mindy, Moe, Cookie & Mike
