
Friday, 29 June 2012

A Long Weekend to Celebrate Canada Day !!

Oh boy! I am a happy kitty!!!!

Why you ask??
 because it is a long weekend and that means more Mom time!!
More belly rubs too !!

What!!!! What did you say Tillie?? A long weekend?


WooHoo !!!!!
We love special holidays!!!
We will be celebrating a birthday!!!
Are you excited Tiger?

Oh yes Georgia!!! Celebrations with Mom are great fun!

We are celebrating CANADA DAY !!
Canada will be 145 years old on July 1.
As that is a Sunday, that means Monday will be a holiday!!

We're all ready for scritches and belly rubs and some treats!!

Monday, 25 June 2012

Monday Musings with Georgia

Hi friends!! There are lots of nice spots around our place 
where we can have a nap. I will show you a couple of
places I like. This first one is inside the wood storage
part of the fireplace.This fireplace is old and is never used,
so Mom has the other part blocked off. This part has some boxes 
inside and they are cozy to snooze on. 
Can you see me behind JJ ?

The armrests of chairs are also good places to nap.

They are soft and padded.

Mom can sit in the chair and pat me too!!

It is most relaxing here.

Really, this is a great place to spend an afternoon !!!!

Tillie  asked JJ for a favour and he said yes!

Pop over and see them at House Panthers!

Friday, 22 June 2012

Friday Thoughts with Georgia

Yesterday was HOT!!!!
Mom spent some time with her sister and TallSon.
They had lunch,fish and chips,and ate it all!
 I was on the porch in the morning before it got too hot.
Actually, today is not as hot as yesterday.

I was looking for a napping spot.

Actually, this looks good right here.

Yup!! This spot is comfy!! 
Mom says it is going to rain all weekend!
Guess I better catch all the sunbeams I can
before the rain comes.
I hope you all have a fun weekend !!!!!

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

International Box Day

Today is International Box Day so we are showing how much
we love our boxes!!!! Just not at the same time,heehee

Tillie like to play in the box.

Georgia likes to ponder things.

Tiger likes to get some snoozy time.

Treasure likes to pose for Mom.

JJ thinks boxes are great for having a bath.

We look forward to seeing all of your boxes too !!!!!!

Monday, 18 June 2012

Monday Musings with Georgia

Hi!! Happy Monday !!
Do you remember last week I told you about Tillie
getting grass ?  Her pictures were on House Panthers.
Well,she is not the only kitty to like grass!!

However,I must say I do NOT like grass!!!!!

JJ is one of the other kitties, besides Tiger and Tillie, 
that likes grass. Silly boy!!!!!!

I do not see the appeal. Nip is way better!!!!

But, just like Tillie, JJ demands grass.
Unlike Tillie,he will eat it if Mom puts it on the floor.
He is not a DIVA like Tillie!!!

Speaking of Tillie,
pop over to House Panthers
and see what she is doing today!!!!

Friday, 15 June 2012

Finally Friday

Oh boy!! Mom said it is going to be sunny
this weekend!!! That means lots of porch time!
We get to watch all the critters from the porch
with all the windows!


Georgia: I already have my box picked out !!

Tiger: I got a nice box too!!

Treasure :I am on this window shelf,
ready to see outside and inside !!

JJ: I will head to the porch , but first I will 
guard my ess from Tillie!
Tillie: It's not yours JJ! It's for all of us!
JJ: Heh,heh,heh! Yeah, I am a tease.

We will also spend some quiet time remembering
our friend MoMo who went to the Bridge yesterday.
She was among the first kitties we met when
we started blogging almost 5 years ago.
Until we meet again,dear friend...

Have a good weekend friends !!!

Monday, 11 June 2012

Ooooooo!! What was that noise?

Nothing back there.

MOM !!!!!

This is private!!
Go take pictures of the other cats!!!!

Oh, OK Georgia. There is nothing naughty showing.

I don't care!! Just stop!!



Do you like to eat grass?
Tillie does!!! Go and see
over at House Panthers !

Friday, 8 June 2012

Finally Friday

Hi friends!! It's finally Friday and finally sunny!!!
It has been a rainy and cold week!
Our weekend might have rain, but it should be warmer.
Anyway, we are all waiting for Mom to come home so we 
can get the weekend started!!!!!!
We hope you will all have a good ,fun weekend too !!!!






Monday, 4 June 2012

Monday Musings with Georgia

I'm cut in half!!!!!!!!!!!

OK!! I was just kidding! 

This is my big box that has openings cut into it
so I can run in and out!
It is big because a water heater came in it.
(Most of the chewing,compliments of Tillie)

The box is in a great place, because I can lay here
and enjoy morning sunshine!!!
Mmmmmm!! It feels good!

See how Tillie passed the weekend at House Panthers

Friday, 1 June 2012

Finally Friday

It's Friday again and that means the weekend is
is here and that means Mom time!!
I really like Mom time and my special time with Mom.


Georgia:  You don't think this place is good for
a nap??

I agree, this is much better.

JJ: I am looking forward to napping.

I also like to show off my good looks too  ;)

Treasure: I like sitting on this soft spot and looking 
at what is going on around me.

Tiger: I like snoozing lots and lots!!!!

Mom!! Did you say "belly rubs" ?!!!!
OK, I'm ready !!!!

We purr that you all have a fun weekend.