
Monday, 18 June 2012

Monday Musings with Georgia

Hi!! Happy Monday !!
Do you remember last week I told you about Tillie
getting grass ?  Her pictures were on House Panthers.
Well,she is not the only kitty to like grass!!

However,I must say I do NOT like grass!!!!!

JJ is one of the other kitties, besides Tiger and Tillie, 
that likes grass. Silly boy!!!!!!

I do not see the appeal. Nip is way better!!!!

But, just like Tillie, JJ demands grass.
Unlike Tillie,he will eat it if Mom puts it on the floor.
He is not a DIVA like Tillie!!!

Speaking of Tillie,
pop over to House Panthers
and see what she is doing today!!!!


  1. We don't get to eat grass but it sure looks nommy!

    The Florida Furkids and Lexi

  2. Sometimes you just have to nibble even if it isn't really you!

  3. I will ask mommy to go right out there in the morning and bring me some.

  4. Oh yeah... no comparison between the nip and the grass. purrs

  5. I'm not a grass-eater either! I stick with the nip.

    CC xoxo

  6. We don't get grass because we all yak it up and my human got tired of cleaning up after us.

  7. Ahhh, it's been some time since we ate grass; must remind our human to harvest it for us. Purrs! Georgia, our human loves hugging rotund cats like you. :)

  8. Georgia, we can see that you have really put your foot down on the subject of grass! Well, Tillie is like your sweet angel brofur, Mickey. JJ looks like he enjoys being hand fed by mom, too. We agree that there is no comparison between grass and nip; give us nip every time. Woman, where's the nip!

    Taffy & my woman, Laura

    (That last photo of JJ is the sweetest!)

  9. We've never eaten grass - but we do like a sniff of nip!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  10. Love the pictures! I have not had any grass in a long, long time!

  11. Here we don´t have grass.... lovely photos.

  12. Interesting how different cats have different tastes, just like people :)

  13. Yes Taffy, Mickey taught Tillie well ;) Those black cats stick together ;)
    Purrs Georgia

  14. Gaia likes grass at our house. We miss you guys! Same old story with mom being busy. And you are not on facebook are you?

  15. Oh nom nom our grass lovers are Ping and Gracie.


  16. We LOVE grass!! And we remember that Mickey loved grass too!!
