
Friday 7 September 2012


Hi, Julie here and I am sitting in one of my new favourite spots!
Yup, the kitchen window. Now I see why Tillie likes it so much too!

You can see lots from here.Outside is pretty cool and there are
lots of critters outside like squirrels and birds, and ...WOW!!
An introoder!!!!!!! Look!!

Sitting in our garden! Having a bath !

Oh how I wish I could go out and chase that kitty !!!

Relax Julie, you are not going out. besides, the kitty is not hurting 
anything. I agree that a little chasing would be fun though!
But it is safer indoors and I do not want to tangle with a strange 
kitty. I am still trying to get used to you Julie!

We are having a lazy weekend. Mom will finish setting up the 
new computer and installing stuff.Then we will let us use it to do 
our stuff!! Have a fun weekend.


  1. Introoders? Did you smell it? Hope you enjoyed your window time! xoxo

  2. We always have intruders here - the neighbors have cats that go outside - but you know what? We don't care.

  3. Hi look so comfy on your window sill...thank you for filling a spot in your mommies kitties are so special. Our hearts miss one dearly and we posted some of his favorite pictures we had in our album. we are glad to keep memories alive of those we love...
    give your mommy special purrs from the cozy cottage

  4. Perhaps that kitty comes into your garden as he/she knows it's safe.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. Maybe yer introoder will visit often! We luf watching from our patio door. We is sad coz our favorite introoder moved away. "Smudge" stopped by often and rolled around on our patio :(

  6. There sure it lots to see out there! Have fun playing with the new computer!

  7. It must be exciting, and maybe a little anxiety provoking, to have an intruder like that in ones territory. Better to stay indoors.

    Enjoy your relaxing weekend :)

  8. We hope that introoder doesn't plan on staying very long!

    Have a great weekend!!

  9. Watching introoders is so much fun, Julie! Aren't you glad that you are safe inside, and can watch as much as you want?

    Georgia, we know that you are a very sweet kitty and only want to be friends with Julie. Her hisses are 'cause she's scared. She's used to having to defend herself. You just keep on being nice to her and she will come around.

    We hope the 'puter behaves so you can use it yourselves! Purrs.

    Laura & Taffy
