
Friday 26 October 2012

Finally Friday

Georgia:We are happy that it is Friday. Mom had a busy week
and we were not on the computer as much. That was OK
because I could catch up on my snoozing in my long,carpeted box

 Mmmmmmm!! I like this box. None of the other kitties seem to
like it as much as me,so I have it all to myself!

Julie: Since it is the weekend,Mom will be home and she can play
referee for Tillie and me.When Mom was at work Tillie and
I had a disagreement and I hurt Tillie's ear. Mom was not happy 
with me and we both got our nails clipped.
Tillie will show you her ear as soon as Mom can get a pic.
Tillie is not letting her taks pics.That is probably because she is
 mad  at Mom for bathing her ear and putting stuff on it.
Ummmmm, sorry Tillie.

Have a fun weekend!!!!!


  1. We disagree all the time but so far we haven't done any damage!

  2. Georgia, you is just like the song, always on our mind. Your bellah shot is just beautiful with all those colors showin. Too bad bout the spat wif Tillie, she looks really hissed about it!

  3. Happy Weekend to you as well~
    We are waiting the snuggle time with beans, too~

  4. Now, Georgia. You don't need to resort to violence. I expect better things from you.

    Poor Tillie!

  5. You should hear some of the spats around here. Mama Tama is particularly quick to take offence and then beware!

    We hope Tillie's ear is all better soon.

    The Beebs

  6. Georgia how nice to have a "private" box all to yourself - Tillie we hope your ear booboo gets better quickly.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  7. We see your box is well chewed, too! Nicki would love to teleport over and help finish that off.

    We hope Tillie's ear heals quickly! No more spats, please.

  8. Hello sweet friends! I hope your weekend is totally purrfect!

  9. Wow, why don't we have a box with carpet in it? Muuuuuuuuuuuuum!

    Have a great weekend

  10. Your box is carpeted?! Now that is how a cat should live.

    Suey has an ear scratch at the moment, too. We're not telling who the culprit was. We hope Tillie's heals quick smart.

  11. Have a delicious weekend too!

  12. We bicker here too...Mommy is always finding scabs on us when we get petted. THEN our nails get clipped, too.

  13. R mom canna wait for de week oh end ta starts either coz it bee like hockey stik hill at her place oh employ this past.... enjoy yur week oh end and eat much trout !!!

  14. You are lucky to have your box nicely carpeted. I bite Eric's ear when he annoys me.

  15. Georgia, you have a carpeted box?? How cool is that!! We know you didn't mean to hurt Tillie's ear. Have a great weekend!

  16. We stopped at the phrase 'carpeted box"

    Now we WANT one! Our box is toooooo simple!

  17. Glad you're all enjoying the weekend. Sorry to see that Julie and Tillie are still having disagreements. Hope Tillie's ear heals soon.

    We'd love to have Tillie and Julie join us for Weekend Cat Blogging Black Cat Edition :)

  18. Ouchie! We have our little spats too!
