
Monday 29 October 2012

Monday with Georgia

Hi friends, Georgia here. I am a tad miffed at Mom.
It was late when Mom helped us do our Friday post and 
I am miffed that she did not label things properly.

You see, when you read the post, it sounds as if "I" hurt
Tillie's ear!!! It was not me! It was Julie.
Those two are always staring and growling at each other.
They had a bit of a tussle one day when Mom was at work.
Good news is that Tillie's ear is mending.

On a positive note, this Fall has been warmer than we are used to.
It will be warm this week, but it will be raing all week.
Oh well, that affects Mom more than us,heehee
We will miss the sunbeams though.

On the weekend,Mom saw this daylily in the garden!
It is not often we have blooms this late in the season.
You can se from the brown on one of the leaves that we have had
some frost. The trees around the place musy protect some of the 
flowers. The trees are losing their leaves pretty fast now.

Want to see and hear more about Tillie's ear?
 Pop over to House Panthers.

Also, as a Tortie, I love to meet other Torties.
There is a fairly new Tortie blogger you should meet.
Feebee the Tortie from the UK.


  1. We didn't think you would hurt Tillie's ear! The lily is pretty. We have a few roses in flower and some in bud but it has been below freezing the last 2 nights so they won't last long.

  2. hi Georgia!!
    you look like our big sisfur Miss Sachi.
    but u're more beautiful
    (dont tell her that ha ha ha)

    BoBo Salem
    Meow Meow Family

  3. We knew you weren't one of the scufflers! May Ling says Torties never scuffle...she may be fibbing about that.

  4. I knew it didn't make sense that you would be one of the scuffers!! :)

  5. Gosh, Georgia. I owe you an apology because I reprimanded you for resorting to violence!

    Good thing you are not near that daylily. They are pretty to look at, but poisonous to kitties! At, least that is what I've read.

  6. I always knew it was Julie who banged up Tillie's ear - that is because I understand the situation - same thing at my house with me and Binga! Except we've never nicked each other.

  7. Ah, it makes sense now, that it was Julie who got into the tussle.

    Has your mom tried giving her (and maybe you all) the PetNaturals Calming treats? PetValu sells them now, at least our two PetValu locations here. Not sure they would make a difference, but they might be worth a shot!

  8. We know what a sweet girl you are, Georgia, and also that Julie still has a bit of a wild streak in her. Hopefully, everyone will be getting along fine soonest!

    The Chans

  9. Georgia, we just knew it could not be you who hurt Tillie's ear. We are glad it is healing, though.

  10. Oh dear. Here it's always Charlie and Lola going at it, but we have avoided any injury.

    What a beautiful daylily. The weather has just turned very cold here, so we're all in napping.

  11. Some plants tolerate frost better than others. Your yellow lily is pretty. We have a lilac bush blooming again across the street--it's really confused!

  12. we bee trooly glad yur mom saw flowers N knot stooooooooopid burds !!!!!!!!! :)

    tee :)

  13. We believe you! A cute and innocent cat like you would never be the one to hurt Tillie's ear.
    purrrs xx

  14. We figured out that it was Julie and not Georgia who hurt Tillie's ear. It didn't seem like something Georgia would do.

    Glad that Tillie's ear is mending and you all had a nice warm weekend.

  15. Hi Georgia! Lots of photos of you today!

    Tell Tillie we hope her poor ear heals soon. It's no fun having somecat swipe at you that way.

  16. Hi Georgia, you look stunning in the second picture! Purrs!
