
Monday, 24 December 2012

Merry Christmas Eve !

Georgia: Mom made this picture so we can wish all our friends a


If you do not celebrate Christmas, we hope you enjoy this

 Holiday Season !

Sunday, we had a little snow and it stayed!

Maybe it will stay here for a white Christmas!!!

Tillie and Julie have a card at House Panthers
To see it,


  1. It's still Christmas eve Eve here! I think the snow is pretty on the branches--and I think you're pretty too :)

    Merry Christmas!!


  2. Keep plenty warm everyone! Merry Christmas Eve!

  3. Merry Christmas Eve to all of you!!

  4. Merry Christmas Eve to you! The card with all of you on it is very sweet. The snow on the branches photos are really nice.

  5. I hope your snow sticks around so you can have a white Christmas! Merry Christmas everyone!

    xoxo Cory and family

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. I hope your Christmas is awesome!

  8. Merry Christmas one and all. Keep warm, stay safe, and Be Happy!

    Purrs to everyone everywhere. (MikiCato said that!)

  9. Merry Christmas to you all, and best wishes for a fabulous 2013!

  10. So pretty! Have a great Christmas and best wishes for the New Year.

    We here in Sydney are having a hot Christmas. So, so different to the traditional white Christmas.

  11. merry christmas two all N two all a fat trout!!!!

  12. Merry Christmas to you and your mum! How exciting to have snow. Will that mean lots of cuddles? We are supposed to hit 39 degrees celcius tomorrow, so we wont be cuddling our mum for any money!

  13. Wow, this is purrfection! Thanks for stopping by. Mewy Catmas to your whole family (two-legged and four-legged) Purrs needed for our Domino who had to go to the vet early this morning.

  14. Merry Catmas to you all! I hope your snow stays. Gosh, I hope we get some here...there's a tiny possibility.

  15. That is a pretty card. Merry Christmas to all of you.

  16. Have a very Merry Christmas! We hope Sandy Claws brings you all lots of great loot!

  17. Merry Christmas friends! We love you!

  18. Merry Christmas to you all - we hope you have a wonderful day.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  19. I have a sexy christmas here. Australia is warm ; )
    Merry Christmas to you all
    I wish you and your family have the Best Best time.
    Lots of love
    Puddy Boy ; )

  20. Merry Christmas! we hope you can enjoy a white Christmas :) stay warm and have a wonderful holiday!

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, HOllie

  21. The snow looks very pretty against the green branches and lights.
    Hope you had a great Christmas and holiday time!

  22. I hope you had a wonderful christmas and that 2013 is full of happiness!~

  23. oh my beloved family...mommy is bad for not letting me come to visit sooner....Cole is here and the cottage is crazy!
    We are having a great time with good food and fine movies to watch and lots of napping during the day. Lapdaddy is missing his old red girl so much...mommy gave me some of her blankets...I like them.
    No bad weather here and that is good...the ferals are glad too.
    wishing you a wonderful start to the new year and that all your kitty dreams may come true!
    Love your Sisiter kitty Hunny Bunny
