
Monday 18 March 2013

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Come with me. I want to show you some wacky weather
 we had this weekend.

Saturday we woke up to snow on the ground. Yuck !

The sun was rising and Mom took these pictures.

 By Sunday afternoon, most of the snow had melted.

 There is just a bit in the driveway. Mom says it is going to be 
quite cool the next few days so we might even see more snow.
Darn, I want  more sunbeams!

Oh well, as I am an indoor kitty, I can play with my toys and
I don't have to worry about the weather ! It is always warm in here!

Anyone want to come over and play?

Want to see more silly kitties?
Pop over to House Panthers
and see Tillie and Julie!


  1. Dear lovely Georgia,
    we are indoor cats as well,
    so we totally understand your saying~!!
    Wait for us, we are coming!

  2. Hi Georgia! We sure hope you get lots of sunbeams (and warmer weather) soon! :)

  3. Georgia , the photos just look amazing !
    How snow melt so quick !!
    Welcome to your spring, now you can smell the sweet fresh air of Spring : )
    And Here I come !
    Pounce the toy !

  4. Georgia, we've been having the same kind of wacky weather. We would love to come over and play with you. We'll even bring some nip mousies to bat around!

  5. Wow! Snow! That is awesome. We have had a mild winter so we did not see ANY snow this year. We will teleport over to play.

  6. I agree - less snow, more sunbeams!

  7. The weather is WACKY!!! We think having a good play session indoors until it warms up is a great idea...

  8. Playtime is a fun way to stay warm! We'll be right over!

  9. that sure is a lot of white stuff!

  10. Hi furcousins! We have to enjoy this nice sunny Monday - because by tomorrow night.....well, mombean says, "we are gonna miss sunshine for a few days due to a hefty storm on its way"

    Aren't you glad we are indoor kitties?


  11. We had snow too yesterday morning and it settled for a while but now it's all gone again. We hope your snow has vanished too.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  12. Hi Georgia! I'll be there as soon as I can!

  13. We would all love to come play too!!! Hope that snow is really gone this time!

  14. Used to see that in Texas. Keep warm, whap those toys and enjoy your visitors :)

  15. Georgia we would love to come over and play and play and play some more!

  16. We too would love to come over and play with you, Georgia!

    We've been having wacky weather too. Sunshine one minute, hail the next!!!

    The Chans

  17. We are on our way over to play with you, gorgeous Georgia!...Happy week ahead, precious friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  18. Oh Honey, I would come and play with you in one second. Hold on..warming up my tunnel. Get ready for me to appear.

  19. That's crazy, with the snow coming and going. Though it does look pretty in the early morning sunshine.
    We think Georgia is wise to stay inside and play. That last photo of her with the toy is adorable :)

  20. We would send you some of our tropical hot if we could!

  21. Did you get that dumping of snow yesterday? We saw on the news how snowy Atlantic Canada was yesterday. We got it Monday night/Tuesday. Our human is so desperate for warmth and GREEN right now that she's about to come unglued. She needs to just roll with it, like we kitties all do. :-)
