
Monday 1 April 2013

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia:  MOM!!! Come quick, it snowed !!
Mom: What?! That's not what the weatherman said!!
Georgia: April Fools Mom ! Hahaha!!
Mom: Oh Georgia, you got me!!!!!

 Hahaha!! I like to tease Mom. We did not have snow for Easter, 
we had lots of sun and it was great!!  Mom did go away Friday and 
she came back Saturday. She went to visit Grammie and the 
other members of the family who went to Grammie's house
for Easter. It was nice and sunny and stayed sunny all weekend!!!
We got to spend lots of time on the porch!

JJ and I like to sit and look outside at all the wildlife.
It's great  for soaking up the sun too!

Julie and JJ enjoyed the sun in the kitchen window.
JJ likes to hang out with other kitties. He is a friendly boy.

Our oldest kitty, sister Tiger who is 16, likes to sleep a lot.
This weekend, she also enjoyed the sunbeams.

 Tillie got her black furs nice and hot by sunbathing in the window!
Mom would go up to her and put her hands on Tillie's hot fur.

Treasure enjoyed some time on the cozy porch too !!!
It was a purrfect weekend!
Good thing, because it is raining today and that is NOT
an April Fools joke. Darn! Mom is the only one 
who will be getting wet though, heehee.

Want to see more Tillie and Julie?
Pop over to House Panthers.


  1. Haha! You got us too, Georgia!

    We're glad you all had a sunny Easter!

  2. I am so glad you are not getting snow - that would be a bad April Fool's!

  3. Whew! We are glad you did not get snow, Georgia, because that would NOT be funny! :)

    Glad your Easter was sun-kissed!

  4. We had a beautiful Easter weekend, too. However it's supposed to rain today.

  5. Hahaha! You sure got your Mommy with your April Fool's joke. MOL.
    We're glad your Easter weekend weather was lovely!

  6. WE love all your sunpuddle photos! It's quite sunny here too but there is a freezing north wind blowing, so we're not even venturing out into the run.

    The Chans

  7. What lovely pictures of you all - and we're so jealous of your sunbeams. Please purr for us on this freezing cold day.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  8. After Easter... Happy April Fools Day! =)

  9. we had sum suns here two guys...anda happee bee lated easter


    and two day we iz gonna eat sum BURD !

  10. Hi babies... have a nice week!!!

  11. Good prank!!! Although rain is almost as bad...there's a reason we live in the desert!

  12. That was good, I even went and looked!

  13. Hah, that was a good April Fools joke!
    Glad you all had a nice sunny weekend - sun-warmed black kitty fur is great :)

  14. Georgia that was a good prank on April Fool's!
    We're glad you all had a very good weekend!

  15. That was a mean prank you pulled on your mom. Funny, but mean. I think mom would have freaked if she had seen snow this morning.

    Thank you for your kind words about my aunt. She was very special and I will miss her very much.

    Roxy, Lucky & Mom.

  16. Happy Easter to all of you! We're glad that you had sunshine over the weekend to lounge in.

    Luf, Us

  17. OMC ! You got me real bad ...tee..heh

  18. You know what? We really have had snow this morning, a light dusting, but enough to turn the ground white. And it's a friggin' -12C windchill! Holy cod, Spring is never going to arrive!

    We're sure glad you had a good Easter weekend, though!

  19. No, no no, don't even say that word...(snow)....we don't even want to hear that word again till the next Christmas Eve!

    Wait....we like to lick (snow) cones=^Y^=

  20. Glad you guys are enjoying the sunbeams!...Happy Hump Day, precious friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  21. Mowzers it looks like you all had pawesome sunpuddles! Was the Bird TV channel good too?

  22. Sunbeams are the best. Tiger, sure does not look 16!
