
Friday 12 April 2013

Finally Friday

Georgia:Yesterday was sunny and today is sunny.Mom says that
 tonight it will be very messy with rain and snow! Then
it will rain on Saturday!!!!

All I care about is now!  It is sunny and the sunbeams feel so warm.

It is a purrfect day for a nap.

JJ: This week I helped Mom visit some of our friends.

Looks like some exciting things are going on with our friends.
Come on Mom, lets get visiting!

Um,,,Mom, you might want to check the weather.
Looks like tonight will be a good night to snuggle with us!

We purr you all have a super fun weekend !!


  1. Hi Georgia and JJ! My mom got a laugh out of the geezer cat comment--she refuses to get us geezer food! (Plus, I think the one time we tried it we ate it twice as fast--sort of like with the "lite" foods that do not fool us!)

    Stay warm and snuggly this weekend!

  2. Snuggling is always good. :) Yay for naps in sunbeams.

  3. Sounds like crazy weather is coming your way!

  4. Each day in the sun is precious, enjoy=^Y^=

  5. We hope your weather isn't too crazy. Snuggle on!

  6. We think it's totally not fair that you are still getting snow. At least it's good weather for a snuggle pile.

  7. Every night is a good night to snuggle with Mom!

  8. How kind of you to snuggle with your Mom to keep her warm - we hope you get treats in payment.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  9. Enjoy the warmth and sunshine!

    We missed the ice pellets, freezing rain and snow in yesterday's forecast, but are having freezing rain today. So we're curled up too, while the human is at work. :-)

    Thanks for stopping by to wish Nicki a happy Gotcha Day! He's already had some deli ham as a treat, and -- eewwwww -- been kissed 6 x 6 by the human.

  10. I hope you have a snuggly weekend and some sunpuddles too!

  11. Have a sunny weekend babies!

  12. naps, sun, sleepin, snoozin, eatin ham samiches ....

    yea !!!

    hope everee one haza grate week oh end !

  13. Well, yesterday and today we're getting the rain that must be heading your way! Enjoy your sunshine...and your weekend!

  14. We like your Zen approach to the weather! Like, what can we really do about it, anyway?

  15. We just looked out our window - it is just after 10 pm and it is snowing - big, floofy flakes and our deck is covered. Yep, definitely snuggle up and try to ignore the weather!!


  16. Thanks for dropping by today. Boy oh boy, new friends. We love new friends. JJ, you have the most precious face. That look in the final photo must get you everything you want! Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette
