
Thursday 31 October 2013

Happy Halloween !

Happy Halloween from the Rainbow Bridge!
It is me,Mickey and my beautiful wife Miss Peach.
We are getting ready to celebrate with our friends here.
We hope you are ready to go to your parties too.

This night also marks our 4th wedding anniversary.
So, when you are celebrating at your parties tonight,
take a moment to remember those that came before and 
say Hi should you see them !
Now, over to my siblings.

Thanks Mickey and Miss Peach.
We are looking forward to visiting with our friends ,
Halloween parties, and getting lots of treats!
We hope you are all having fun.

Tillie and Julie managed to behave long enough to 
make this card. They are sharing it with a lot of
Pop over and see!

Just one more thing...



  1. Happy 4th Wedding Anniversary to both of you, Mickey and the lovely Miss Peach. We remember that day with great fondness!

    Happy Halloween to Tillie, Georgia, JJ, Treasure, Tiger and the better behaved,Julie!!


  2. Happy Fourth Anniversary over the bridge to you two. And happy Halloween to all.

  3. Happy Fourth Anniversary and Happy Halloween! Purrs!

  4. Fangtastic costumes!

    We hope you have a happy and safe Halloween.

  5. happy anniversary! and halloween! we saw you over at house panthers. Awesome photos. - Crepes.

  6. HI Mickey and Mrs Peach!!!! we miss you both! we are waiting for Grampa Norton, Gramma Trixie and the one who came before to come visit us!!

    happy hallowscream!

  7. How nice to see Miss Peach and her darling Mickey. Happy Halloween to you all.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  8. Oh Mickey it was SO good to see you and Miss Peach. Brings back to many memories. But I am up there now with you at Bridge romping and playing. But we all do send our happiest of greetings of a 4th Anniversary to both of you.

  9. Happy 4th wedding anniversary to the both of you!
    We love your Halloween cards!

  10. Happy Halloween, and Happy Anniversary to Miss Peach and Mickey! We love and miss you!

  11. Happy 4th Anniversary Miss Peach and Mickey. We can't believe it's 4 years already!!

    Happy Halloween too!

    The Florida Furkids

  12. happee howl o ween ta everee one; heerz hopin yur trik N treetz bag be filled with mackerull, mice N pie !!

    N mickey N peach stop by dude N sauce's place.... they iz eatin candee batz :)

  13. Happy 4th anniversary to both of you. I am sure Eric will be there to help you celebrate.
    Happy Halloween to all of you!

  14. Hi Mickey! You and Miss Peach are a purrfect couple. Congrats on another fine anniversary.
    Hi Tillie and Julie. You gals look meowvelous

  15. Mickey! So good to see you and Miss Peach! Happy Halloween!!

  16. Olá amigos, obrigada por nos visitar.
    Parabéns pelo aniversário.
    Aproveitem a festa!

  17. Hope you all got oodles of nommy treats. Happy Halloween! Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Lisbeth, Astrid and Calista Jo

  18. Hi Mickey and Miss P! Happy Halloween to you all!

  19. Happy 4th anniversary! Oh and Happy Halloween! =)

  20. Oh my beloved family! A most blessed Halloween to all of you at the edge of the world. It has been such an incredible week for us at the cozy cottage...our Lapdaddy had his back surgery on Monday and he is recovering quite well so far...he does not like all the pain meds however but they do help, so he must take them. Please know that mommy had some wet eyes when she read your beautiful email today and say the pictures of our beloved Mickey and Miss kind and very thoughtful of you to celebrate their great love with such a fine tribute. How wonderfur that their lives touched each other and sooooo many others for so long. an unforgettable legecy to be sure. The memories fill our hearts warmly on dark days...thank you for being in our lives dear furry family...we treasure you so.
    Love Miss Hunny Bunny and Miss Hope and Karla and Lapdaddy
