
Saturday 19 October 2013

Mom's Busy Weekend

Georgia:  Guess what?  Mom will not be home 
much this weekend. She and Auntie N
are going to some events.

Tonight, they are going to Nocturne which starts at 6 PM
and ends at Midnight! They are going to see all kinds of art.
They will be joined by other family members too.

On Sunday, they are going to visit McNab's Island
which is near the entrance to Halifax Harbour.
It is called a Fall Foliage Tour.
There will be lots to explore there.

While Mom is gone, we will be doing a lot of this!


  1. Nothing is better than naps when you have to wait that your mom come back home... Purrs

  2. My human is going to kitty events this weekend! A benefit for Stray Cat Alliance tonight and a screening of the Paw Project movie tomorrow afternoon - I have trained her well!

  3. I know your Mom will have a good time and I think your plans look purrfect!

  4. Oh we are not sure WHO will have the most fun your Mom or all of you!!! Teehee!!

  5. Your human staff is going to have a good time, but we like what you're going to do even more.

  6. Enjoy your naps...and maybe when you wake up, your mom will be home!

  7. I hope she has fun and gets it all out of her system so that she can be home with you next time!

  8. Well, it's good that your mom has fun, but YOUR fun should come first! Maybe she'll bring home a bird or fishie for you. Happy weekend, all!

  9. We think a house trashing party needs to happen!

  10. I think that Katnip lounge is on to something!

  11. My mom hasn´t been home much this weekend either , she have been working ALL weekend *siGH*
