
Friday 25 October 2013

Thoughtful Friday

Julie:  Hi friends. It's Friday and we are looking forward
to having a Mom weekend. While it is a bit
cool today, it is still sunny so that presents a little
problem. Namely, where is the best place to nap.
I am in the kitchen and I am hopeful of getting a treat.

Georgia: I see you with that flashy box Mom !

Mom! I want to sleep now !
No more bothering me, please.

JJ seems to have found a cozy spot. He may be thinking if
 it is the right spot, bit I think he will stay there.

 Tiger: Hi Mom. I see you there.

I am not going to look at you unless you feed me.
Is it suppertime yet?

Tillie also seems to be thinking about the spot she has
chosen. It looks comfy enough, so she will probably stay.
It would be a good choice since  as she can catch some sunbeams.

Treasure seems to be in a thoughtful mood too.
He is wondering if he should snooze or keep looking out the 
window from his comfy place on top of a cabinet.

Yup, we are all  in thoughtful moods today.
Not thinking anything deep or serious as that might
interfere with our naps.
We purr you all have happy thoughts today too  :)


  1. I think you all have chosen perfect spots!

  2. You all are looking very good! Especially you, Tillie! Wink!

  3. Glad to see everybody~!!!
    Hi and have a wonderful weekend to all of you.

  4. Good to have time with the mom. So nice you all let her use the flashie box on you so we can see these cute photos. Take it easy and watch out as here we have seen snow flakes already. Arghhhhh

  5. Effuryone looks quite happy with their respective chosen spots. :) Have a wonderful weekend with Mom!

  6. We hope you all have happy thoughts too.
    Luv Hanah and Lucy xx xx

  7. Everyone's portrait was so beautiful but we fell in love with Tillie's! Oh my Tillie what a sleek panther you are!! Happy Friday and enjoy those warm sunbeams and naps.

  8. That's the kind of problem we like to have! Enjoy your weekend!

    The Chans

  9. Mr. Black took the meows right out of my mouth, Tillie!

    Have a great weekend, kids!

  10. All good things to be thinking about on a Friday afternoon: naps, treats and sunshine.

  11. You all are so right, too much thinking spoils a good nap!

  12. Enjoy your weekend! We're glad your mom is going to be home with you...and we hope the hardest thing you do is decide where to nap! :)

  13. You are all such good looking furcousins! Are you enjoying this nice sunny Saturday?


  14. Can you teach me how to not let thoughts interfere with sleep? I don't remember the last time I slept through the night...

  15. It's cool here, too. And rainy...

