
Friday, 29 November 2013

Tillie is an Angel

My little Tillie passed away today.
Her condition was just too bad and her little
heart gave out.
I will miss my sweet girl so much.

Thank you for all your kind words and the prayers and purrs.

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Purrs for Tillie, Please

The Mom here. When I took Tillie to the Vet on Tuesday,
it was because she seemed to have a sore leg.
She got some medication and we went home.
That night she did not eat supper.
She lay down and did not want to move.
She was much the same Wednesday.
This morning I went back to the Vet and they did blood tests.
She is in bad shape. Her kidney values are very high.
She is in the hospital and they will give fluids to see 
if they can help her feel better.
This seemed to come on suddenly, but was probably 
going on for a while. They hide things so well.
Had it not been for her leg, who knows what would
have happened.  It still may happen.
Please purr for my little girl.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Tillie Does Not Feel Well

Georgia: My sister Tillie is not feeling well. We think she 
may have a sore back leg. 

Mom took her to the Vet yesterday and she has some 
Metacam for pain. She is not eating and sleeping a lot.

Mom called the Vet and they agreed that if Tillie is not improved 
by tomorrow, she may have to go back.

It is hard to see in these pictures, but the wind is blowing
so hard, the tree branches Mom cut are standing up  in
the wind!

You can see the wind blowing by the blurry branch.
It is raining very hard too. We hope it will stop soon.
We also hope we do not lose power.
Mom is glad is is NOT snow ! 

Monday, 25 November 2013

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Today is a bit cool so I am going to have a snooze 
inside  and not on the porch.

I love this fuzzy envelope, but I am on it and not inside.
I am happy because Mom is off this week.She is using
up her vacation and we are happy to have her around!

JJ was on the porch yesterday and said the sun was
warm on his furs. On the porch, there is no breeze.

Treasure also thought it was cozy on the porch yesterday.

Yesterday, Mom put up the Christmas lights.

They look pretty. Soon, Mom will decorate inside.
Oh dear! I hope she does not move my snoozy spot for

When Winter comes,the ducks come back around here. 
There is a lake and a river that empties into the lake.
The ducks stay there all Winter. They have discovered 
that Mom puts out seeds and cracked corn.
I think we will be seeing more of them this Winter!

If you want to see a dusty panther, pop over to see 
Tillie and Julie at House Panthers.

Friday, 22 November 2013

Movember Friday

Movember is the month formerly known as November, 
where men and women across the globe join together
 to raise awareness and funds for men’s health issues. 
Men grow a Mo (moustache) for 30 days to become walking,
 talking billboards, for our men’s health causes - 
specifically prostate cancer, testicular cancer 
and male mental health initiatives.

While this month is directed at humans, we kitties
also like to show our support with our very fine
mustaches !







Even Theodore Too is supporting Movember !

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Purrs for Russell

Georgia: I am feeling very sad. Our friend Russell
 at William of Mass Destruction is  very sick.

Russell was not feeling well and went to see the Vet.
The Vet said he was pretty sick.
Please send him your purrs.

Monday, 18 November 2013

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Today is windy and rainy.It is a good day to relax
on this comfy,contoured pillow.

It is also a good place for contemplation.

For example, why would people want to go out at night when
 it is cold to see The Parade of Lights ?
Mom said is was not very cold.

Maybe to see a police horse with lights !

Or an old firetruck lit up with  a fire dog on board!

They got to see lots of lights on trucks!

On boats!

Mini firetrucks!

Whew, I'm glad I didn't go!!

This was the float everyone was waiting for!

Santa Claus!!!

Tillie and Julie are at House Panthers today.
They have a few parade pics too.

Friday, 15 November 2013

About Time Friday

Georgia: Today is Friday and Mom was off .
She is using up her vacation days.
Did she stay home with us? No!
She went out with her sister !
She did come back early though and agreed to help me blog.

I wanted to tell you about an event that took place this past week.
It is about a very large tree that was cut down and loaded
on a big truck and sent to the city of Boston in the USA.
It is done every year as Nova Scotia's way of saying
"Thank You" to Boston for all the help they gave to 
Halifax,Nova Scotia following the  terrible

This picture, taken by  The Chronicle Herald shows the 
tree donor  Mary Lou Milligan and her two grandsons.

Here is the tree as it starts the journey!

Today, the tree arrived in Boston!
You can see the journey of the tree on
The Tree for Boston page.

We hope you all have a fun weekend !

Monday, 11 November 2013

Remembrance Day

Today in Canada, it is Remembrance Day

It is a day we remember all the brave soldiers who fought in
the wars and conflicts around the world.
We are thankful for their sacrifices and bravery.
We thank them for fighting to make the world a 
better place.
On this day, we remember them.

We believe in this poem by John McCrae

 nous nous souvenons

Pop over to House Panthers  for Tillie and Julie's
Remembrance Day post at House Panthers.

Friday, 8 November 2013

Finally Friday

Georgia: I am happy that it is Friday because Mom is off today.
She is using up vacation days and and is  also off Monday  for
Remembrance Day.
I am hoping that in all those days we get some sunshine,
but Mom says maybe a bit today and Saturday and 
then back to rain. Darn!
Oh well, I will enjoy the extra Mom days.

Tillie: I am also glad Mom is home for extra days. I want
to get out on the porch too,though I don't need sunshine.
It is getting cold and has been rainy so the mice
are coming inside and I hear them on the porch!
I want to come out here and catch them.Night is best.
Only problem is that if I catch a mouse,Mom will NOT 
let me in the house with it.
If I try to play with it on the porch, it sometimes gets 
away! Darn !

We are all going to enjoy extra Mom days and all the
cuddles that goes with having her around. YAY!
We purr you all have a fun weekend too !

Monday, 4 November 2013

Dona Nobis Pacem

to all our friends.

to everyone.

Tillie and Julie have a Peace Globe at House Panthers.
To see  click here

Friday, 1 November 2013

Day After Halloween

The day after all the Halloween parties, most kitties will
be doing a lot of this

and this!

November 1 is also the
and some people and kitties will be celebrating
this day.

We purr you all are taking it easy today,
and that you have a fun weekend !