
Friday 10 January 2014

Finally Friday with JJ

JJ here today.

I get to do the reporting today because all the other kitties
are busy or snoozing. Besides,I hardly ever get to post!

As you can see, Georgia is having a great snooze!

Last Friday we had a BIG snowstorm Mom said was a blizzard.
It was so bad,work was cancelled. Mom took these pictures
during the storm.
Even in blowing snow, this mourning dove sat in the tree!

It was then joined by some friends.

Even the smaller birds came looking for food.
During the storm,Mom would go out and clear out the birdfeeder
and stump and put out seeds. The snow quickly piled up and 
the birds would dig for the seeds!

The tree branches were well covered in light,fluffy snow.
Mom said it was easy to move with her shovel.
When Monday came, it got warm and rained and took a lot 
of the snow away. Then it got cold and everything froze again.

There was even some pretty frost on the windows.

Winter paints some interesting images.
Today is not as cold and tomorrow will be even warmer.
Mom says we will be having rain this weekend and 
temperatures above 0 Celsius for next week.
There will  not be much sun though!

We wish you all a fun weekend !


  1. As pretty as it can be, you kitties have had it rough, weather-wise this past week! I hope you get some sun puddles coming your way soon!

  2. Your snow and frost are very pretty, but sun puddles are better. I am glad that it will be warming up a bit.


  3. Mommy loves frosted glass. We never get it here, except the winter wallpaper on the computer. Mommy found that several years ago on the Weather Underground site.
    It was up to 16 degrees F today. Yea! We're going to warm up for a couple of days!

  4. JJ, you have beautiful neck furs. All that long fur must help keep you warm as you sit next to the cold window.

  5. Lovely to see you reporting, JJ, and what a great job! We love all of your Mom's snow pics. It is so kind of her to make sure the birdies get lots of food at such times.

    Have a great weekend.

    The Chans

  6. What pretty pictures on your windows JJ. We are so glad your Mom is feeding the birdies with nommy seeds. Mum is shivering looking at your snow.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  7. JJ everything is beautiful and deadly too at the same time. I thank your mom that you are inside and safe. xoxox

  8. WE love seeing beautiful snow pictures but we know that it is not easy to live in. JJ you have a great window to watch all of those birdies outside. ((hugs to all))

  9. We think your mom was brave to go out in the blizzard to ensure the birds had food! (And that you had awesome TV to watch too.)

    We're supposed to be about +5 tomorrow, with lots of rain, but it's going to make our already treacherous sidewalks even worse when it all freezes again.

    ENOUGH with this winter!!!

    Stay warm and cosy and have a good weekend.

  10. meowloz guys N thanx for sharin all de pick sure with uz...they all rock... cept for burd one , two, N three


    de food serviss gurl says shame on uz...we shuld bee sayin... we iz glad de wee burdz had sum food N way awesum oh yur mom ta putz out seed..


    we R sayin...we loves de pick sures guys, they total lee rock cept for burd pick sures one, two N three!!!

    hope everee one haza cod kinda caturday anda salmon samich sunday !!

  11. Your Mom is so brave and kind to brave the cold and snow to make sure those little birdies had food to eat. :)

  12. The pictures are very pretty, and the frost has made lovely patterns. Nice to look at but not to live with.

  13. That was a good report JJ, we love seeing the pictures only!

  14. It's good to hear from you, JJ! We had a lot of snow last week too. Amazing how those birdies brave the cold weather and snow!

    Have a great weekend.

  15. I see Georgia toes! I hope you guys are staying warm!

    Thank you for the kind thoughts about Charlotte. We're all pretty bummed.

  16. You guys DID get a lot of snow! Better you than us, Mommy says...she's SUCH a Debbie Downer...

    Stay warm!

  17. Mommy said your pictures are gorgeous just as you all are.

  18. JJ, your weather are so opposite where I live. It's so HOT here !!! But I think your winter looks so beautiful. and your mom is very kind for all birdy. And my mom think she should pay rewards for herself... A glass of whisky ; )..tee..heh.. just saying.

    Stay warm, Stay safe
    and thanks for all here. you guys always be a great friend to me

    ((((( Warm Hugs ))))

  19. JJ - isn't it the best when you get to do your own thing while everyone sleeps? that is my favorite time too!

  20. Those photos (especially the mourning dove in the tree) are so pretty. You could make greeting cards from them!

  21. It may have been inconvenient, but it sure was pretty! We got some snow, but not enough to close work, alas! Your mom did a great job taking beautiful photos.
