
Friday 9 May 2014

Finally Friday

Georgia: Another weekend is here again.
We are looking forward to the Mom time, but we really
want some sun time. Today is sunny, but Mom says
the weekend will have mostly rain. Darn!
We do not want rain.

Julie: Yeah! We want sunshine and warmth.
Mom says it will be a bit warmer,just not sunny.
Oh well, we can still play on the porch.

We hope you all have a fun weekend.
We hope all you beans going to BlogPaws take lots of pictures
and share them with us :)
Have Fun!!


  1. We got about six drops of rain here today. We wouldn't mind more at all!

    Have a great weekend, kids!

  2. We had dat rain stuff here - Burd TV were on da fritz too.

  3. It's been in the 90s here this week which is very unusual for early May.

  4. My human is taking a BUNCH of photos at BlogPaws! Of course, she almost left her camera in the dining area earlier - she is very fortunate it was still there a half hour later when she went looking for it!

  5. We hope you're weekend turns out to be more sun than rain. After yesterday's 22C (!) and sunshine, we'll be having rain now. Our human doesn't mind TOO much...if it stays warm!

  6. Julie, your coat really gleams in the sun!

    We've also been forecast mostly rain over the weekend, so we're enjoying what rays we get today!

    The Chans

  7. Temps hit 80 degrees here yesterday, which is really warm for this time of year. But we'll take complaints after the coldest and snowest Winter! Love the box action in the top photo.

  8. We were forecast rain for today but we're dry and it's early afternoon so we've been lucky up to now.
    We hope you have a fun weekend and get lots of treats.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  9. It's supposed to be sunny here, Georgia. We'll try not to keep it all to ourselves. Enjoy your porch time.

    Mija and Pilchard

  10. We hope you have a fun and sun weekend too!!

  11. Julie you sure do look so lovely and sleek these days. Georgia we hope you have more sun than rain!

  12. We hope you get at least SOME sunshine, gang. It's suppose to rain lots here tomorrow, but we're supposed to have nicer weather on Sunday...

    Have a nice weekend with Mom!

  13. We understand! We love our Mom-time. We think you should get times two time!
    Hugs you guys!

  14. Hi furiends! My Human is all filled up with envy for those blog-paws goers who are having all that fun together! Shoot, maybe when she finally retires she will get to go too! Sorry we've been so scarce--the Human says this is her "busy" time of year at school--as if anything should come before *me*! XOXOXOXO

  15. I can't wait to see everyone's pictures too!

  16. I can't wait to see everyone's pictures too!

  17. Happy Mother's Day to one terrific kitty Mom!

  18. A pity I couldn't go to BlogPaws, but I'm very looking forward to seeing everyone's pictures too.

  19. Did the sun come out for you? Weatherman said it would be rainy today if I remember correctly and this mornin', it looked like he was right. But now the sun is shinin' and it's WONDERFUL! There are sunpuddles... EVERYWHERE!

