
Friday, 29 August 2014

Long Weekend Ahead

Georgia: Today is Friday  and it is also a long weekend
as Monday is a holiday. Mom is happy as she will be home
and we are happy she will be home too!
It will be fun to get scritches,

relax on the porch,

maybe get some treats,

and get window wiffies !

We will be starting this weekend by attending the online 
memorial commentathon for Sparkle.
While we are saddened by her passing, we will focus
on celebrating her life! She did some wonderful things,
was a champion for  cats, gave humans advice for living with cats,
and published books. Above all, she was a great friend.
Be sure to stop by  and leave a comment on her blog.

We purr you all have a FUN weekend !!

Monday, 25 August 2014

Mancat Monday with JJ and Treasure

JJ: Hmmm, looks like the yard is busy as usual with 

Yup, I can see critters out there.

Ah well, they won't disturb me.
I have a bath to attend to.

 Treasure: I am undecided. Do I want to go on the porch, 
or go have a nap.

It's hard to make up your mind sometimes!
Maybe I better have  a good snooze.

Gee, that squirrel looks interesting. 
Maybe I should call Julie to come and see him.

Julie: Thanks for calling JJ.
I see that squirrel!

Want to see more of the squirrel and Julie?
Pop over to House Panthers.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Our 7th Blogoversary !

Well friends, it is hard to believe, but we have been
blogging for 7 years today! WOOT !
It has been mighty fun too.
Sure we do not post every day as we used to, 
but we still enjoy sharing our lives with you.

This blog was started by our brother Mickey,the black cat.
This was the very first picture he posted.

This is one of the last pictures of Mickey.
He was a very cool cat too.

 This is one of the first pictures of me, Georgia.

 The end of 2013 and beginning of 2014 were sad times for us.
 She was 17 years old.

She was a silly girl who always made Mom laugh.
She also loved boxes too. Little ones,

and bigger ones.  She was 10years old and we still miss her
so very much.

So that leaves us, We 4 Cats.
We are still full of fun and we enjoy our friends.

We hope to keep sharing our lives with all of you.
We also will continue to visit with you  as well.

So come on over and celebrate with us.
We have a nice porch with cozy sleeping spots
and lots of windows to watch the outdoor life!

The best thing about celebrating is that you do it with your friends!
So! Let the fun begin!

Friday, 22 August 2014

Thoughtful Friday

Georgia: Another weekend is here and we are happy.
We will get to spend some time with Mom.
But we will feel a bit sad too.

Julie: That is because a very special kitty is very sick.
She has been sick for a while  and she will not recover.

If you have not already done so, we ask that you visit Sparkle.
She has Chronic Renal Failure  and it is progressing quickly.
From the time we met her, we have enjoyed every visit 
to her blog. She is such a pawsome cat!
Follow this link to visit her :  SPARKLE

Monday, 18 August 2014

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: On Sunday I spent some time on the porch.
It is nice to look outside,get some wiffies and even have a snooze!

My sisfur Julie came by. We said a careful "hello".
We are still not the best of friends Maybe she thinks I am
too much like Tillie, my littermate who is at the Bridge.
For whatever reason,  she sometimes chases me and we hiss.
I do not like conflicts and Mom says I am a very sensitive,
gentle kitty. She is not sure why Julie reacts this way 
sometimes. It is slowly getting better though.

I know she is there. Thankfully, she is more interested in the 
action outdoors. Maybe I will have a little nap.

JJ is enjoying a nice nap on the porch.

Treasure is hanging out in the computer room. 
He can see squirrels on the back porch.
He likes to keep tabs on Mom too.

Do you want to see more Julie?
She was hanging out with JJ.
See them at House Panthers.

Friday, 15 August 2014

Finally Friday

Georgia: It has been a busy week,mostly for Mom.
She said she will spend the weekend with us.
She may even share naps with us.
The work week after a vacation week must have
tired her out!

That's good because I want to be on the porch so I can 
get lots of window wiffies!
It is rainy today, but the weekend will be sunny.

JJ: Georgia, you are right!


Oh yeah.....

Window wiffies and a sunny porch will be so good!!
Is it Saturday yet?

Julie: Mmmmmmrph.

Not yet JJ, but close enough.
It starts when Mom gets home.

I hope it is soon as I really want scritches and belly rubs.
I also want to follow her around to make sure she stays home!

Treasure: Mom and a weekend sound good to me!
Come on Mom, hurry home!

We purr you all have a happy,fun weekend!!

Monday, 11 August 2014

Mom is Home Again !

Georgia: Well, Mom is back here after her vacation.
I thought she was going to spend it with me, but she changed
 it because she was spending time with her sister
who was visiting from Ottawa.

I was a bit put out! Yes We had a kitty sitter and yes 
Mom popped in( she was staying with Auntie N ), but
it is not the same. I wanted her here with me,giving me 
brushes and scritches.

I will give her the back of disrespect !
Only for a little while, because she owes me lots and lots of
brushings and scritches!!!

Julie was a bit put out that Mom was away.
See her reaction at House Panthers.

Monday, 4 August 2014

Vacation Time!

Georgia: Mom is on a staycation this week.
There will be lots of family time for her and some 
extra time with us.

I can spend some time relaxing with her.
I like doing that.

Yup, it's going to be a fun week !

Pop over to House Panthers.
Julie is ready for staycation fun !
Click Here!  

Friday, 1 August 2014

Finally Friday

Georgia: Mom was very late getting home last night!
She was  in town with her two sisters and they were doing
all sorts of stuff. One thing she was not doing was 
getting our dinner on time!
She was tired when she got home at 10:30PM, 
so she is doing a simple post.Sheesh!
These are pictures from the Pride Parade she attended last
Mom starts a weeks vacation after work today.
She better make up for yesterday!

Look at police horse Sarge!
He has sparkly feet!

This ambulance has eyelashes.

 Cat people? 

 Tall man.

Painted Pride dog.

Painted Pride man.


Mom was sitting near the end of the parade.

A play on words .

The end of the parade.

All cleaned up!

We purr you all have a fun weekend, and that your
urrson is not late with your dinner!