
Monday, 18 August 2014

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: On Sunday I spent some time on the porch.
It is nice to look outside,get some wiffies and even have a snooze!

My sisfur Julie came by. We said a careful "hello".
We are still not the best of friends Maybe she thinks I am
too much like Tillie, my littermate who is at the Bridge.
For whatever reason,  she sometimes chases me and we hiss.
I do not like conflicts and Mom says I am a very sensitive,
gentle kitty. She is not sure why Julie reacts this way 
sometimes. It is slowly getting better though.

I know she is there. Thankfully, she is more interested in the 
action outdoors. Maybe I will have a little nap.

JJ is enjoying a nice nap on the porch.

Treasure is hanging out in the computer room. 
He can see squirrels on the back porch.
He likes to keep tabs on Mom too.

Do you want to see more Julie?
She was hanging out with JJ.
See them at House Panthers.


  1. Georgia, you certainly don't look overly thrilled to have Julie so close by!

  2. We know how it is having a fursib you're not 100% sure of!

    We LOVE the box Treasure is on...Structured Storage, MOL!

  3. It is okay to be sensitive. I am very sensitive too. Gemini

  4. Did Julie take over your window spot, Georgia? You didn't look too pleased with that. ;)

  5. Well, the outside snooze and whiffies does sound great!

  6. Georgia that is the way Boo was with Abby. Abby was always bossing her around and Boo was never sure what Abby would do. But we're sure Julie isn't like Abby. We're glad there was some friendly sniffs exchanged.

  7. I hope you enjoyed your whiffies and snooze. I spent most of the day indoors. After our unusually high temperatures last month, we only reached 55F today and it makes me feel cold and I nap on the bed.

  8. We're glad to hear you and Julie are making some progress.

  9. Georgia, I know I have said a hundred times for my mommy that you are sooooo beautiful. Her loves forties to the max. Her missed Admiral is all. She loves me too, and all kitties to the max.

    Julie, please don't do that Honey. Leave Georgia alone in peace?

    JJ and Treasure, I love you dearly.

    Are your mommy and mine furriends on FaceBook?

  10. Oh, Georgia, it makes me sad when kidlets don't get along. I know *I* would always be nice to you!!

  11. It looks like it was a pretty good day for you all, despite a bit of uncertainty re: Julie. Some girl kitties can be so moody -- we remember this from angel Annie!

  12. Slow and steady wins out in the end, we say. It'll happen someday, we're sure of it! Purrs...

  13. I bet Treasure really enjoys those squirrels! Nice photos.

    Thanks for the support with your commenting.



  14. We understand about being sensitive, Georgia. We're all kind of like that here.

  15. We think Julie has the 'jealous' factor and we suppose any attention you get is going to spark her jealousy. You are a sweet, yes and gentle kitty and deserve as much of your mombean's attention as you can get! Our mombean will be by today to give you some extra cuddles.


  16. Lovely pics of you all...hope things continue to improve with Julie and Georgia. Have a wonderful weekend kitties!
