
Monday, 1 September 2014

Labour Day Monday

Georgia: Hi. I am able to be on the porch today because
Mom is home. Today is Labour Day and it is a holiday.
WooHoo! That means extra scritches and brushings!

I even get to see neat Bird TV.
Look! There is a young male pheasant!

He is very nervous and Mom had to sneak these pics 
from the kitchen window. He is a pretty big bird!

We also saw a pair of woodpeckers on the cherry tree!

Mostly, though, we have been doing some sleeping.
It is relaxing to do when Mom is close by.
We purr you all are having a good day too.

How is Julie spending Labour Day ?
See her at House Panthers !


  1. Bird TV with your mum! How cool is that?

  2. Wow! You have some awesome Bird TV - much better than what we have here!

  3. You have some good Bird TV. Sometimes the pheasants fly over the hedge into my garden so I can stalk them.

  4. Wow a pheasant in your garden - how lucky you are.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. Georgia you have BIG BIRD TV!! Woo hoo!! Enjoy your special day!

  6. Oohhh.. that IS a big bird. MOUSES! I've never seen one of those but I have seen crows. They're not nearly as big as pheasants but pretty darn big enough, if you know what I mean. Pretty darn big enough, for sure.


  7. Your Bird TV is pawsome ! We don't know Labor Day, nor Labour Day, but we wish you a great holiday ! Purrs

  8. Hi Sweet Furiends & Happy UN-Labor Day! The Human is home woth me too, but it's too hot here to feel like a snuggle--even if I ever *did* feel like snuggling with her ;-) XOXOXO

  9. That's a great way to spend Labour Day...or any day for that matter! Happy Labour Day to all of you. :)

  10. Happy No Labor Day! You sure get inneresting bird tv. All I have are rats with wings.

  11. I LOVE your Bird TV. A Pheasant!!! How wonderful is THAT and two woodies too? Riches! xoxo

  12. Happy Labor Day! We see your local Bird TV is running specials!

  13. Wow, what great bird TV you have! I have never seen a pheasant at my house!

    I'm so glad that you get to have a fun Labour Day! I was also out in my porch because my MomCat was home!

    Purrrrrrrrrrrrs, Spike William

  14. Whoa that is excellent Bird TV kitties! We hope your Mom had a nice holiday weekend with you kitties, have a great week!

  15. Wow, you have some great Bird TV there, pals. What a wonderful Labour Day you all had. :)

  16. Love your blog. Bird TV is the has mice TV too but the bird DVD is much better.

