
Friday 10 April 2015

Finally Friday, and That's a Good Thing

Georgia: Hmmmm, this post looks like it will suffice.
I think I need a good stretch and then enjoy the
upcoming weekend.
Mom says it will be warm and sunny by Sunday!
We have been having some sun and cloud and rain.

Julie and JJ were very interested in the outside one day.
What held their attention?

Earl the Squirrel!

Good thing there is a screen in that window!

What are you going to do this weekend Treasure?

I am going to sit in this window and watch the snow melt!

Now, back to my exercise...

Oh, that felt good.
OK! Lets get this weekend started!

We purr you all have a great and fun weekend too !


  1. At least you didn't have snow!!! Like we did!

    Roxy & Lucky

  2. It looks like you all will be having a great weekend!

  3. Kissies to you, Georgia! Have fun!

  4. Georgia you are a most excellent exerciser! That squirrel *is* lucky you can't get at him because I know you'd make friends with him (uh, I mean EAT HIM) in 2 minutes. Hee hee hee!

  5. Pawsome to be able to watch and drool up close ovfur those varmints!

    You re allowed to scratch the window frame?? OMC!!

    Have a nice weekend!

  6. That looks like some good stretching exercises. I hope the good weekend weather gets your snow melting.

  7. It's great you are gonna have warm and sunny by weekend. That snow has to melt already!
    Georgia, looks like you've got good exercise and fully ready for the weekend :-)
    Enjoy your sunny weekend!

  8. I feel better after seeing that too! And I hope Earl stays warm!

  9. Thank you so much or stopping by and leaving kind words of sympathy on our post about losing Lily.

  10. Exercise and good TV sounds like a plan! Have a fun weekend sweet friends!!!

  11. Wow, great action shots! Hope that snow melts fast...and soon! We got buckets of rain, now it's as windy as all get out. The birds don't seem to mind the wind; they are out there and Chucky's in the window chattering at them!

  12. Georgia ^thud^ you are simply gorgeous!
    Earl the Squirrel is blonde?!!! Wow all we have are gray squirrels around here! Happy Friday.

  13. guys....heerz two melted snow, a sunnee caturday & sunday...warm airz, lots oh fun & heerz two a largemouth bass lined sole kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

  14. That's a fine stretch! Enjoy your weekend :)

  15. Happy Friday! We hope you guys have a great weekend.

  16. Squirrel TV, how cool ! We don't have that channel. Have a great week-end ! Purrs

  17. We have the sun here already and it's only Saturday! How 'bout you?


  18. We're glad you are getting some sunshine! It's beautiful here too and #1 tells us it's nice in Tokyo too!

    The Chans
