
Friday, 31 July 2015

Flashback Friday with Julie

Julie: Hello friends and welcome to flashback Friday.
This post was first published on July 31, 2012.
I had only been here  since Mom rescued me on July 7.
As you can see. I was not in the best shape as I had
been living outdoors for a while and I was stressed.
I must say, I am blessed to be living here and I am
now an extremely happy kitty.
I only wish all other kitties could be as lucky as me.

Julie Tuesday

Hi, Julie here, doing my very first post.

Mom dragged me to the Vet last night.I was not happy. 
 The first Vet I saw is on holiday, but I liked this Vet too.
She checked me all over and said I was doing very well.
I gained a whole pound and a smidge!!! Then she gave me 
two needles so I do not get Feline Leukemia.
She also gave me treats! Did I say she was nice?

She looked in my mouth and my eyes and decided that I was 
a young kitty, probably about 3 years old. She gave me 
a birthday month too. We all agreed on April 2009.
After all, what girl does not want to be younger,heehee.
The Vets will monitor my furs to see how they grow.
Some furs are growing back,mostly on my back.
We will watch it more for allergies  after I have my
spay operation in mid August. What I want to know is this,
what is a spay operation???
Hmmmm, I think I need more food. Hey Mom... !

Purrs you all have a FUN weekend!

Monday, 27 July 2015

Lazy Weekend with Georgia

Georgia: Hi friends. We had a pretty quiet,laid back weekend.
Mom was doing some cleaning and lots of laundry.
We kitties did a lot of relaxing.
I relaxed on a bed.

JJ relaxed on his favourite pillow.

Treasure jumped to his comfy spot.

He likes the couch on the porch.

We had a visitor this weekend .
Mr Groundhog stopped by to munch on some
tender leaves. Mom did not mind as they were
weed leaves.

Julie was quite interested in him though.
She will share a few more pictures of him.

You can see the pictures at House Panthers.

Friday, 24 July 2015

Friday Close ups

Georgia: Today, we are doing some close ups.
We hope you like them.

The main reason Mom is doing close ups is that she is lazy
and did not take many pictures of us! 
While we are not crazy about the flashy box we are still a
tad annoyed that she did not choose to chase us
 for pictures!




Our guest close up this week is a deer!

Mom looked out the kitchen window when the deer
was munching on a hosta!
The deer came back later and ate half of the plant.
It has not been back since(so far)

We purr you all have a super FUN weekend!

Monday, 20 July 2015

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Guess what? It's raining,that's what.
It rained on Sunday and it's raining today.
It will rain until Wednesday.
We do need the rain as mom says the ground and forests
are dry. However, as indoor kitties, we prefer sunshine.
So, what can you do when it rains?

NAP! That's what, and we do it quite well. See?
Treasure and I are on our blue blankie.

JJ has his favourite pillow in the living room.

And Julie? Well, that girl is young and always on the move.
She has a sleepy spot on top of a filing cabinet, but
she uses that overnight mostly.
So, what did she do on a rainy weekend?

Pop over to House Panthers 
 to see where she is going and what she does when
she gets there!

Friday, 17 July 2015

Finally Friday

Julie: Mom has been quite busy lately doing things with family,
Summer events and outside home repairs. I do not like it 
when Mom is out so often, but when she is home, she
lets me on the porch.I could almost forgive her for not 
being at home with me.

JJ: Yeah, I like when Mom is home and I get on the porch.
Here, I am going to jump on this tote.

It is a good vantage point for watching Critter TV.

Treasure: I like when Mom takes my picture.
She says I am photogenic and she is right.
That's because I am SO handsome!

Georgia: I am  a tad miffed at Mom. For all the pictures she
 takes, she STILL cannot get my whole body into the frame!

For that, I give her a raspberry !

We purr you all have a FUN weekend and that
your purrson(s) spend time with you!

Monday, 13 July 2015

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: I like this spot. It is comfy and I get to enjoy
the rays of the setting sun.
Gets me all relaxed and ready for bedtime. MOL

We had some interesting critters visit us lately.
All Winter, Mom put seed out for the birds.
She still puts out some and some cracked corn too.
Momma duck brought her babies over for a visit.
They ran when they saw Mom and the flashy box.
Guess they don't like that thing either!

A Goldfinch came by to visit.

These woodpeckers seem to like the sunflower seeds.
They have a home in a tree nearby.

JJ enjoyed time on the porch this weekend.

He even had a nice snooze,after Mom went away.

Treasure was roaming around looking for a purrfect spot.

Julie had a good weekend too.

Pop over and see her at House Panthers.

Monday, 6 July 2015

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: We had a nice weekend.  It was warm and sunny.
The nice thing about Summer is that the sun gets up early
and stays up late so the days are long! That means, the
sun is long and we love the sun.

Mom likes the morning sun .
She says it is good for taking pictures.
That can sometimes be annoying, but the sooner we pose,
the sooner she goes away!

Treasure has taken to sitting in this window a lot.
It faces east so he gets the rising sun.

JJ likes the porch as it is sunny and he can have some snoozes.
He is already comfy in his spot!

Julie always wants to get out on the porch.

Pop over to House Panthers.
Julie will show you what she likes about the porch.

Friday, 3 July 2015

Friday Close Ups

Georgia: Once again, Friday is here.
Mom has been busy, so we thought it was time for some 
close up pics. We love to show off how good looking we are.
Actually, every cat is good looking, right?
Anyway, we hope you enjoy our pics.




Oh, one more thing.
Mom is going to a very special birthday party.
Her Uncle is turning 100!
Both JJ and Treasure are 18 years old this year(not sure of the month)
That makes them 89 in human years.
Something to think about!

Wednesday, 1 July 2015


We wish, to all our fellow Canadians,

Happy 148th Birthday Canada !

OK Mom, more scritches please!