
Friday 17 July 2015

Finally Friday

Julie: Mom has been quite busy lately doing things with family,
Summer events and outside home repairs. I do not like it 
when Mom is out so often, but when she is home, she
lets me on the porch.I could almost forgive her for not 
being at home with me.

JJ: Yeah, I like when Mom is home and I get on the porch.
Here, I am going to jump on this tote.

It is a good vantage point for watching Critter TV.

Treasure: I like when Mom takes my picture.
She says I am photogenic and she is right.
That's because I am SO handsome!

Georgia: I am  a tad miffed at Mom. For all the pictures she
 takes, she STILL cannot get my whole body into the frame!

For that, I give her a raspberry !

We purr you all have a FUN weekend and that
your purrson(s) spend time with you!


  1. We hope you all have a great weekend and you get some mom time. :)

  2. Glad y'all are gettin some porch time!

  3. I hope you kitties get lots of porch time this weekend!

  4. Lucy hates the summer - the beach steals her peeps!

  5. No Mom time is no fun, but we hope you get lots of porch time!

  6. Enjoy your porch time! Remember photographs get good by practice--but being a model is so tiring...

  7. I hope you all have a great weekend with plenty of porch time.

  8. Treasure, you certainly ARE very handsome! Georgia, you are so pretty that a full photo of you might crash the interwebs!

  9. You have such a good mom! She has been busy, but she makes sure you have porch time. Treasure, you sure are photogenic. I love your handsome smile in that picture! And what a cute raspberry, Georgia :-)
    Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

  10. Treasure you are a very handsome kitty! We always love to see your photographs. All of you are gorgeous and your Mom takes such wonderful pictures of all of you. We hope you all enjoy some Mom time and have a great weekend.

  11. Enjoy your porch-time and have a great weekend ! Nice raspberry, Georgia ! Purrs

  12. We hope you all have a great weekend, including time with Mom AND porch time. :)


  13. We are not allowed into the porch here, that is dog-guy terrier-tory...but we do sneak in there sometimes...MOL!

    Those are great pics, kitties, yes they are!

  14. haha. The raspberry made me MOL!! Nice one! - Crepes.

  15. Have a great weekend furcousins - especially now that the hammering is done for now - chillax.

