
Tuesday, 29 September 2015

What Mom Saw- Supermoon Eclipse

Georgia: Sunday night Mom stayed up late.
That is because there was something she wanted to see.
A supermoon eclipse!
We are not sure what this is, but as she was excited, we let
her post some pictures here.
She stayed up for the first half then had to go to bed.
We were already there! MOL!

Full moon 10:10 ADT
(Atlantic Daylight Time)

Start of the eclipse 10.31 ADT

10:57 ADT

11:12 ADT

11:26 ADT

11:31 ADT

11:43 ADT

Mom says the pictures would be better if she had a tripod
and figured out camera settings better.
All in all, it was fun!

Monday, 28 September 2015

Sunny Porch with Georgia

Georgia: We had a nice sunny and warm weekend!
It was so nice I nad to get on the porch and 
just hang around. It was really nice.
Even JJ was on his way out.
You can see him in the pic.

Come on JJ. It's nice out here!


Do you have a special sunny spot you love to go to?

I am so happy here.

Not in ant hurry to leave.

JJ and Treasure feel the same way!

Julie: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz!

Julie loves the porch too!

See Julie enjoying more of the porch.
Pop over to House Panthers.

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Caturday Art with Treasure

Treasure: This is my first ever Caturday Art pic.
Hope you like it.

Monday, 21 September 2015

Georgia Says-Sometimes Kitties Just Want to Sleep

Georgia: Mom was taking some pics for our post and 
wanted us to be up and doing fun things. 
We told her that snoozing IS a fun thing.

We all have our fave spots  and enjoy an after
breakfast nap.

So Mom, we don't want you bothering us right now.
We will think about you while you are at work.
Heh,heh,heh ! 

Want to see what Julie is doing today?

Pop over to House Panthers and see.

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Meow Like a Pirate

Today be Pirates Day!
We be here in Halifax Harbour  waitin fur arrrrrr
good ship to take us sailing!

Avast mateys, we are all on board.

Thar she be, arrrr quarry !

'Tis true. She be the Queen Mary 2 !

We be closin in on her now!

Come along mates!
Join us as we board the good ship.
There is great food to be had!

There be plenty o' room in the dining areas.

There be plenty 'o dining rooms  too!
After arrrrr feast, we can all share in  the plunder
Plenty 'o nip grog.
Come join us good pirates!
Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh !

Friday, 18 September 2015

Finally Friday in Profile

Today is Friday and that means weekend and
more Mom time!
We love weekends!
We are doing a Friday close up in profile
because all cats look just as good from the side.





We thought we would include a pic of our furcousin Mike.

He was mighty hard to photograph as he is a cat in motion,
but mom did get one!

We will see you all tomorrow  for

Monday, 14 September 2015

Mancat Monday with Treasure and JJ

Treasure: Hi, I'm Treasure and as near as mom can tell
I have been around since 1997. Mom does not have
records for me (or my brother JJ).
It does mean that JJ and I are in our 18th year!

Mom says I look good for 18. I do have a problem
 with matted fur. Mom works on it, but I don't always cooperate.
I would rather sit in nice sunbeams.

I also like to be on the porch.
I can jump up here.
Mom says I am pretty active for a "Geriatric" cat.
Humph! What do charts know.

I do like to sleep and I do it very well.

Hi, I'm JJ and I am Treasure's brofur.
Mom often refers to us as "The Twins"
I am an  easy going kitty. I get along with all my siblings.
I also like boxes. Big or small, I like them all.

I am always asking Mom to let me on the porch.

As the porch is enclosed, she generally let's me out.
Even when it is dark outside.

As an 18 year old mancat, I also like to snooze.
Here, I am relaxing with my brofur.

Here I am chillin' with my sisfur Georgia.
She is cute and has a gentle purrsonality.

I also sleep with Julie.
She is only 6  and she tends to be a livewire.
We get along quite well though.

Here I am with Treasure in the glorious sunshine.
Those sunbeams are warm and feel so good!

Julie and I  looking out of the kitchen window.

We like to nap together.

Here we are in a rare picture!
Mom does not often get the 4 of us together.

We purr you enjoyed our Mancat Monday.

Julie likes to do posts at House Panthers.
Pop over and see what she is "sleeping" on
or off as mom thinks!
Click Here!