
Monday, 28 September 2015

Sunny Porch with Georgia

Georgia: We had a nice sunny and warm weekend!
It was so nice I nad to get on the porch and 
just hang around. It was really nice.
Even JJ was on his way out.
You can see him in the pic.

Come on JJ. It's nice out here!


Do you have a special sunny spot you love to go to?

I am so happy here.

Not in ant hurry to leave.

JJ and Treasure feel the same way!

Julie: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz!

Julie loves the porch too!

See Julie enjoying more of the porch.
Pop over to House Panthers.


  1. Our sunporch is off limits to us kitties, it is more of the dog-guy's spot...but we have a couple large sunny windows to enjoy sunpuddles.

    You kitties sure had a nice time on your sunny perches!

  2. We have lots of nice sunny spots around here, depending on the time of day!

  3. theo and Thompson have their own favorite sun spots. diego-san is still looking for his...

  4. WOW! Y'all look wonderful in the sun!

  5. Wish I could have napped in the sunshine yesterday; you all look marvelous!

  6. How wonderful you had such a nice sunny weekend! We had rain all weekend long here.
    Georgia, you look so shiny and gorgeous soaking up the sun :-)
    Have a wonderful new week, kitties!

  7. What a beautiful sunny day you all had!

  8. We're glad you had great sunny porch time ! Purrs

  9. Enjoy the sun sweeties, here it's cold.
    Mom won't let me out because I'm sneezing again.

    Love & purs,

    Billy The Time Cat

  10. guys.....we hada prette good week oh end all N all...knot two hot, knot two cold, nice breeze.....sun popping in & out ta say hi...burd free skiez...though at like one time ther was 95 of em in de burd bath....yea, at leest 95...oh, N we watched chippeez !!! ♥♥♥

  11. You are getting lots of sun there. We have had some good days too and I have been outdoors in my favourite spots.

  12. Georgia! So many beautiful pictures of you, I have to go rest now!

  13. We had some great weather this weekend too. It was fun to have the windows opened.

  14. We had nice sunshines this weekend, too! We think every sunny spot is the bestest. We are like nomads ... we follow it around. :)

  15. Oh every buddy looks SO blissful and happy and warm and HAPPY through and through. xxoox
