
Friday, 11 September 2015

Finally Friday!

Georgia: Hmmmmmm, maybe I will go over that way.

Oooo! Wait a minute, maybe not!

Julie: This spot is mine!

 Maybe I will have a nap on this spot instead.

After all, it's Julie free.

Anr that's the way I like it!

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz !

The Mom: Julie and Georgia  are not best friends.
Julie has been known to intimidate Georgia and chase her a bit.
Georgia is a quiet kitty with a loving purrsonality.
She is very sensitive and likes quiet surroundings.
Julie is an Alpha cat and thinks I am her person.
JJ is laid back and gets along with everycat.
Treasure is the only cat that can intimidate Julie.
He may swipe his paw at Julie when she walks by, 
but that is the extent of it.
All in all they get along reasonably well.


  1. As long as everykitty has his or her own space, I'm sure they are all right!

  2. Julie and Georgia are like our Goro and Niko. They are not best friends, either, but they get along well with each other enough.
    It's great you've got many relaxing spots so you don't have to fight :-) Happy Friday and have a wonderful weekend!

  3. We didn't know that Julie and Georgia weren't good friends so perhaps it's a good thing that Treasure can stand up for herself.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. Sounds like our house!
    Boo has become the alpha female. That was Abby's role, but Boo has assumed the mantel. Annabelle just wants to play with everyone. Ping and Jinx get along with everyone too, but Jinx is like the Gentle Giant. YOu really don't want to arouse the Giant part. MOL

  5. That looks like a nice Julie free spot Georgia.

  6. Most of us get along darn good too. Have a happy weekend sweet friends!

  7. guys...sum timez me & sauce getted a long...most times boomer & dai$y due, but gram paw dude couldna toleratez other catz....ree gard...less !! heerz two a walkin catfish kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

    tuna of moon ~~~~~

  8. Aww, those all look like comfy spaces to sit or snooze.
    Can sympathize a bit with Georgia. We're not really alpha personalities, either. She's such a sweet kitty!

  9. Kitty dynamics are a compliCATed matter...

  10. Poor Georgia! I would protect you!

  11. Georgia, we're glad you found a spot to snooze.

  12. It sounds like there is quite a bit of inter feline strife!! As long as everyone knows their place MOL xx

  13. There will always be a tantrum or two in a multi-cat household. In our case, it is the mother-son equation which tends to blow up...

    Have a great weekend!

    The Chans

  14. Your Georgia and my Raven have very similar personalities.

  15. Oh yeah, we have that going on at our house too. Somekitties just don't wanna get along, do they!

  16. Maybe some feliway spray would help the alpha kitty to be nicer. Thank you for the kind words you left on my blog about my Lucy. XO
