
Friday, 2 October 2015

A Memory of Sun

Georgia: We are all happy it is the weekend.
That means Mom time.
But we are sad. It has been raining very hard.
It started Thursday morning and it is still raining!
We are sad because we miss the sun.
All we have right now are our memories of the 
sunshine of last weekend!

JJ: I love sunshine and I miss it too.
I miss doing this.

Julie: I also remember the sun. It was nice and warm.

Treasure: I wish mom could bring back the sun.
This is my memory.

After all that rain, Mom says it will be cloudy all weekend.
Then on Monday, the rain will be back(if not before)
because the storm Joaquin appears to be headed our way!
It will be a tropical storm by the time it gets here,
but it will bring more rain!
We have already had close to100mm!
That's almost 4 inches!
We are lucky we live on a hill because we will not get flooded.
The yard,though, has lots of water in it!

We purr you all have a sunny  weekend or at least a 
FUN weekend!


  1. I would gladly trade you some sun for some of your rain! We are supposed to get a little in a couple of days... maybe as much as a quarter of an inch! I guess we'll take what we can get.

  2. We missed out sun today too, we had clouds instead.

  3. Wow ! You got soon much rain !!!
    Yep, my mom does agree you are lucky ! not to get flooded. My mom used to wake up and surrounding with the water. Her mattress turned to be a boat...MOL

  4. We are having lots of rain, too...and it's gonna be a very rainy weekend.
    Such lovely photos from sunny day. I hope the sun will be back soon for you.
    Stay safe and have a wonderful weekend xoxo

  5. We hope that thing veers far enough off to miss you. Stay dry and safe!

  6. I hope y'all have a snuggy weekend. We are supposed to get between 7 and 12 inches of rain here this weekend. YUCK!

  7. We are feeling Joaquin effects now with no sun today. We may have it more tomorrow before it heads north. We hope that it just stays far enough out at sea that it doesn't affect anyone too adversely. We are purring for Mr Sun to come back.

  8. Hope that storm goes somewhere's else! It's gotten cool here too, and very windy. Have a great weekend snuggling!

  9. Have a nice weekend beautiful friends!

  10. I hope the storm misses you. We have over a week of warm sunny weather. I think that is more than we had all summer.

  11. The sun is still shinning here! The weather is really good and they speak of a summer temperatures this weekend in Belgium

  12. oh we do hope that thing misses you!
    We're just now beginning to enjoy open windows - so we hope the mild weather holds for a bit...!

  13. We hope Joaquin doesn't come too close. Have a great weekend !

  14. WE woud love to see the sun too. It is raining and raining and raining some more and cold too. Hope all of you get to see that nice warm sun soon. Take care.

  15. You are all so dear to see. My mom simply loves all of you and Treasure just makes her smile extra much. We are having the cool rains too. We usually get 3 days of sun and them we're punished with 14 days or so of clouds, gloom and rain. Been that way for three and a half years. xoxox

  16. It's nasty rainy and cold north of NYC. Stay warm guys! Happy Caturday and thanks for stopping by with your birthday wishes for Merlin.

  17. Here in the northeast we were concerned about the hurricane too, but it moved away from us. On Tuesday we got 3" of rain and we very thankful that it has been a very dry summer! Hope the sun returns for you very soon :)

  18. Try to keep dry. We miss the sun too.

  19. You look very content in your sunpuddles! We are in the UK and have been warned that Joaquin is coming this way! So we might get it by next weekend! We hope it has missed you! Stay safe xx

  20. We have had drizzly days and chilly winds, but not downpours...but yes, we miss the sunpuddles.

    Hope you all stay safe, dry and warm.

